Question Bank No: 3

1. Which of the following organism serves as biofertiliser

 c)E Coli
 d)Both (a) & (b)

2. Hybrid vigour is due to

 c)Heterozy gosity

3. Which of the following is not used for crop improvement


4. Which of the following are sedatives tranguilisers

 a)Barbiturates, benzodiazepines
 b)Opium, morphine, heroin
 c)caffeine, cocaine, amphetamines
 d)LSD, Charas, hashis

5. Opium is obtained from the plant

 a)Papavar somniferum
 b)Rauwolfia serpentine
 c)Cannabis safivus
 d)Claviceps purpurea

6. Study of trends in human population is


7. The most important factor for the success of animal population is

 c)Unlimited food
 d)Inter specific activity

8. In sigmoid population growth curve, the initial stage of the curve is

 a)Lag phase
 b)Log phase
 c)Exponential phase

9. The number of children a couple must produce to replace themselves is called

 a)Total fertility rate
 b)Natality rate
 c)Replacement level
 d)Death rate emographic