Question Bank No: 2

1. Nucleic acids are made of

 c)Amino acids

2. Watson and Crick are known for their discovery that DNA is

 a)Single stranded
 b)Double stranded
 c)Having deoxyribose only
 d)Template for rRNA synthesis

3. The number of base substitution possible in amino acid codons is


4. Reverse transcriptase is

 a)RNA dependent RNA polymerase
 b)DNA dependent RNA polymerase
 c)DNA dependent DNA polymerase
 d)RNA dependent DNA polymerase

5. Smallest gene affected by mutation is


6. A DNA nucleotide chain has AGCTTCGA sequence. The nucleotide sequence of other chain would be


7. Who proved that DNA is basic genetic material?

 c)Boveri and Sutton
 d)Hershey and Chase

8. The process of translation is

 a)Ribosome synthesis
 b)Protein synthesis
 c)DNA synthesis
 d)RNA synthesis

9. Nonsense codon takes part in

 a)Terminating message of gene controlled protein synthesis
 b)Formation of unspecified amino acids
 c)Conversion of sense DNA into non-sense one
 d)Releasing tRNA from polypeptide chain

10. Enzyme required for transcription is

 a)RNA -ase
 c)RNA polymerase
 d)DNA polymerase

11. An anticodon of tRNA can recognise more than one codon of mRNA. It is

 a)Wobble hypothesis
 b)Gene flow hypothesis
 c)Template hypothesis
 d)Richmond and Lang effect

12. Khorana et al synthesised RNA with copolymer of UGUGUGUGUG... It pro-duced a peptide with alternate cysteine and valine. The codons for the two are

 a)UGU and GUG
 b)UUG and GGU
 c)GUG and UGU
 d)UGG and GUU

13. Usual method of DNA replication is


14. Ligase is an enzyme required for

 a)Breaking of DNA
 b)Joining DNA bits
 c)Renaturation of DNA
 d)Proof reading

15. Transcription involves

 a)Synthesis of RNA over DNA
 b)Joining of amino acids in a polypeptide
 c)Synthesis of RNA over ribosome
 d)Synthesis of DNA

16. Semiconservative DNA/chromosome replication using N15 was demonstrated by

 c)Meselson and Stahl
 d)Hershey and Chase

17. Initiation codon of protein synthesis (in eucaryotes) is


18. Barr body is associated with

 d)Male sex only

19. Number of barr bodies in human female is


20. Autosomes present in human sperm are


21. Lyon's hypothesis is connected with

 a)Number of barr bodies
 b)Genetic compatibility
 c)Genetic incompatibility
 d)Centromere position

22. One of the following is a random process


23. Chromosome complement 2n-1 is


24. Theory proposed by Bridges is

 a)Sex reversal
 b)Hormonal control of sex
 c)Genic balance
 d)Development of gynandromorph

25. DNA parts which can switch their position are


26. Formation of multivalents in meiosis is due to

 d)reciprocal translocation

27. DNA is associated with basic protein

 d)Both A and C

28. Sudden inheritable genetic change is

 b)Inheritance of acquired trait
 c)Independent assortment
 d)Natural selection

29. The scientist who used X-rays as mutagen for the first time was


30. A sex linked trait/disease is

 a)Colour blindness/haemophilia
 b)Night blindness/albinism

31. Linkage was discovered by

 d)Bateson and Punnet

32. Colour blindness is due to one

 a)Recessive allele in females
 b)Dominant allele in females
 c)Dominant allele in males
 d)Recessive allele in males

33. Down's syndrome/mongolism is due to

 a)Extra sex chromosome
 b)Extra 21st chromosome
 c)Extra Y- chromosome
 d)Deficient sex chromosome

34. Crossing over takes place in

 a)One strand stage
 b)Two strand stage
 c)Three strand stage
 d)Four strand stage

35. An octamer of 4 histones complexed with DNA forms


36. The word chromosome was coined by

 c)Robert Hooke

37. Chromosomes were first seen by


38. How many types of gametes will be produced by individuals of AABbcc genotype?


39. Heterosis is

 a)Hybrid weakness
 b)Hybrid weakness and vigour
 c)Hybrid vigour
 d)Neither weakness nor vigour of hybrid

40. Cross between AaBB and aaBB will form

 a)1 AaBB : 1aaBB
 b)All AaBB
 c)3 AaBB : 1 aaBB
 d)1 AaBB : 3 aaBB

41. Phenotypic dihybrid ratio is

 a)9 : 3 : 3 : 1
 b)15 : 1
 c)9 : 6 : 1
 d)1 : 2 : 1

42. A cross between F1hybrid and a recessive parent (Tt ×tt) gives a ratio of

 a)1 : 1
 b)2 : 1
 c)3 : 1
 d)4 : 1

43. Monohybrid ratio is

 a)3 : 1
 b)9 : 7
 c)1 : 2
 d)9 : 3 : 3 : 1

44. The term eugenics was first applied by


45. Number of X - chromosomes in Turner's syndrome is


46. Klinefelter's syndrome has

 a)44 + XXY
 b)44 + XO
 c)45 + XY
 d)66 + XXY

47. Heterozygous tall (Tt) and dwarf (tt) Pea plants are crossed. The ratio in the offspring shall be

 a)All tall
 b)All dwarf
 c)3 tall : 1 dwarf
 d)1 tall : 1 dwarf

48. RR (Red) Antirrhinum is crossed with white (WW) one. Offspring RW are pink. This is an example of

 a)Dominant recessive
 b)Incomplete dominance
 d)Supplementary genes

49. Initiation Codon in higher plants is


50. Start codon AUG stands for the amino acids.
