1. If the third term in the binomial expansion if (1+x)m is -18χ2, then the rational vlaue of m is
2. If |x| < 1,then the coefficient of xn in the expansion of (1+x+x2+x3......)22 is
3. The value of C213 + C313 + C413 + ..... + C1313 is
4. If the coefficient of rth term in the expansion of (1+x)20 = coefficient of (r + 2)th term, then r equals
5. If the binomial expansion of (a+bx)−2 is 14-3x + ........, where a > 0, then (a, b) is
6. The total number of terms in the expansion of (x+y)100 +(x−y)100 after simplification is
7. If y = 13+1.33.6+ + ....., then the value of y2+ 2y is
8. The 4th term in the expansion of (−x−1x)5, x > 0, is
9. The coefficient of x2 in the expansion of (1+2x+3x2+.....)1/2 is
10. Constant term in the expansion of(x−1x)10 is
11. The coefficient of x4 in (x2−3x2)10 is equal to
12. If the sum of the coefficients in the expansion of (a + b)n is 4096, then the greatest coefficient in the expansion is
13. The number of terms which are free from radical signs in the expansion of (y1/5+x1/10)55 is
14. In Pascal’s triangle, each row is bounded by
15. The expansion of 16−3x', in powers of x, is valid if
16. The term independent of x in the expansion of (2x+13x)6 is
17. If the expansion of (x2+2x)n for positive integer n has a term independent of x, then n is
18. If the sum of the coefficients in the expansion of (1+2x)n is 6561, to greatest term in the expansion for x =1/2 is
19. The middle term in the expansion of (x22−2x)9is
20. When the number of terms in the expansion of binomial (x+a)n, where n is a +ve integer, is even, then there is/are only
21. If |x|<1then1+n(2x1+x)+n(n+1)2!(2x1+x)2+.....is
22. The coefficient of xninbinomialexpansion(1−x)−2is
23. Coefficient of x2in(1+3x)12(1−2x)13is
24. If the sum of the coefficient in the expansion of (∝2x2−2∝x+1)51vanishesthen∝isequalto
25. The expansion of 16−3xinpowersofxisvalidif
26. The expansion (1−4x)−12isvalidfor
27. The coefficient of x7intheexpansionof(1−x4)(1+x)9is
28. The smallest +ve integer n for which n!<(n+12)nis
29. 49n−16n−1isdivisibleby
30. The sum of the coefficient in the expansion of (1−x)10is
31. The number of terms in the expansion of [(a+4b3)(a−4b)3]2
32. In the expansion of (1+x)5thesumofthecoefficientofthetermis
33. The coefficient of xnintheexpansionof(1+x)2nand (1+x)2n−1areintheratio
34. The value of nc0−nc1+nc2−nc3+......(−1)nncnis
35. If n is a +ve integer then the number of terms in the expansion of (x+a)nis
36. If n is +ve integer then 2.42n+1+33n+1isdivisibleby
37. The middle term of (x+1x)10is
38. In the expansion of (1+x)ncoefficientof2nd,3rd,4thtermareinAp,thenx=
39. The sum of the series ( 20 0 ) − ( 20 1 ) + ( 20 2 ) − ( 20 2 ) +..............+(2010)=
40. In the binomial expansion of (a−b)n,n≥5, the sum of 5th and 6th terms is zero, then ab=
41. If 1(1−ax)(1−bx)=a0+a1x+a2x2+...., then an=
42. For natural numbers m and n if, ( 1 − x ) m ( 1 + x ) n = 1 + a 1 x + a 2 x 2 + ..... and a 1 = a 2 = 10 , then (m,n) is
43. If the coefficients of rth,(r+1)th,(r+2)th terms in the expansion of (1+x)n are in A.P., then n and r satisfy
44. Cr=(nr),then an=∑r=0n1Cr, then ∑r=0nrCr=
45. The coefficient of xnintheexpansionof(1+x)(1−x)n is
46. The coefficient of the middle term in the binomial expansion is powers of x of (1+αx)4and(1−αx)6 is the same if α=
47. The number of integral terms in the expansion of (3+518)256 is
48. The sum of the coefficients in teh expansion of (a+b)n is 4096. The greatest coefficient in the expansion is
49. The coefficients of xpand xqin the expansion of (1+x)p+q are
50. The positive integer just greater than (1+0.0001)10000 is