Question Bank No: 1

1. The lentic ecosystem includes.

 a)Gravitational water
 b)Standing water
 c)Rain water
 d)Running water

2. The nature's scavengers include.

 d)Decomposers & Scavengers

3. The most recently discovered ecosystem is

 d)Floating iceberg

4. Tropical rain forests are found in Indian state

 a)Himachal Pradesh

5. Which of the following is an artificial ecosystem.

 b)Grass land
 d)Cultivated field

6. The frog that feeds on an insect is a

 b)Primary consumer
 c)Secondary consumer
 d)Tertiary consumer

7. Which of the folloing represent correct sequence in a food chain

 a)Grass - Grasshopper - grog - snake
 b)Grass hopper- grass- frog- snake
 c)Snake - frog - grass - grasshopper
 d)Grass -snake- frog-grasshopper

8. 10% energy transfer law in food chain was proposed by


9. Association of ants with some members of Rubiaceae family is


10. Nutrient enrichment of lakes is called.

 b)Bio chemical cycle
 d)Green house effect

11. The middle transition zone of a deep lake is called.

 b)Thermo cline

12. The upper vertical zone of ocean up to the depth of 200 meters is

 a)Photic ozone
 b)Aphotic ozone
 c)Abyssal zone
 d)Benthic zone

13. The jungle edge is a tangle of sun loving woody climbers called


14. The pyramid obtained by plotting number of organisms at successive level is called

 a)Pyramid of energy
 b)Age - sex ratio
 c)Pyramid of biomass
 d)Pyramid of number

15. Which of the following is protective devices in organism


16. The sphere of living matter together with water, air, and soil on earth is called.


17. Zone of the atmosphere that lies close to earth surface is


18. When a natural predator is used to control pathogenic organisms it is

 a)Artificial control
 b)Genetic engineering
 c)Biological control
 d)confusion technique

19. Species which occur in different geographical areas are called


20. Genetically adapted population in a particular habitate is called.


21. Saprobionts are otherwise called as

 c)Facultative symbiont

22. An intergeneric hybrid between cabbage and radish developed Karpechenko is

 b)Rhaphano- brassica

23. The smallest unit of ecological hierarchy is


24. Pedogenesis is

 a)Soil formation
 b)Plant- plant association
 c)Plant animal association
 d)Animal - animal Association

25. Plants growing on cold soil are named as


26. Which of the following components of the soil get destructed due to fire.

 b)Plants only
 c)Inorganic matter

27. 'Flag trees' are usually formed by

 b)Felling down of trees
 d)Unidirectional wind

28. Plant groups growing in areas where high temperature alternates with low temperature is called


29. Which of the following relation ship does not represent mutalism


30. An association of 2 species where one is benefited and other remains unaffected is called.
