Question Bank No: 1

1. Living cells providing mechanical and tensile strength are

 d)All of the above

2. Which of the following lies in between the bark and wood of a tree trunk?

 a)Cork cambium
 c)Vascular cambium
 d)Primary cortex

3. Polyarch and exarch conditions is found in

 a)stem of grass
 b)Root of grass
 c)Stem of sunflower
 d)Root of sunflower

4. Trees at sea shore do not have annual rings because

 a)There is climatic variation
 b)There is very less climatic variation
 c)There is enough moistore in atmosphere
 d)None of these

5. Casparian strips present on the endodermal cells are well developed in

 a)Monocot root
 b)Dicot root
 c)Monocot stem
 d)Dicot stem

6. In summer season, cambium

 a)is more active
 b)is less active
 c)is inactive
 d)cambium dies

7. Sieve tube cells are


8. Stomata in floating plants are present on

 a)Both surfaces of leaves
 b)Lower surface of leaf
 c)Upper surface of leaf
 d)Are absent

9. Heart wood is

 a)Outer part of secondary xylem
 b)Inner part of secondary xylem
 c)Outer part of secondary phloem
 d)inner part of secondary phloem

10. Pericycle that gives rise to laterak roots is made of

 a)Meristematic cells
 b)Parenchyma cells
 c)Collenchyma cells
 d)Lateral meristem

11. Aerenchyma is found in the tissue of

 d)None of the above

12. Anatomically jute fibres are

 a)Vertical fibres
 b)Pith fibres
 c)Xylem fibres
 d)Phloem fibres

13. Passage cells are part of

 a)Medullary rays

14. Lenticels and hydathodes are small pores with following common attributes

 a)Their opening and closing is not regulated
 b)They allow exchange of gases
 c)They go for transpiration
 d)None of the above

15. When we peel the skin of a potato tuber, we romove


16. A piece of wood having no vessels must belong to


17. Interfascicular and cork cambium are formed due to

 a)Cell division
 b)Cell differentiation
 c)Cell dedifferentiation

18. The layer of meristematic cells at the tip of a plant root, which continually cuts off new cells to its outer edge is called

 c)Ground meristem

19. Ground tissue includes

 a)All tissues except epidermis and vascular bundles
 b)All tissues external to endodermis
 c)All tissues internal to endodermix
 d)Epidermis and cortex

20. Anatomically fairly ols dicot root is distinguished from the dicot stem by

 a)Absence of secondary phloem
 b)Absence of secondry xylem
 c)Position of protoxylem
 d)Presence of cortex

21. Sequence of cellular layers from the periphery towards the cortes in an old dicot stem is

 a)Epidermis, Hydodermis, Phellogen, Phelloderm
 b)Epidermis, Phellem, Phellogen, Phelloderm
 c)Epidermis, Hydodermic, Cortex, Endodermis
 d)Epidermis, Phellogen, Phellem, Phelloderm

22. A bicollateral vascular bundle has the following arrangement of tissues

 a)Outer phloem- Outer Xylem- Middle Cambuim- Inner Xylem- Inner Phloem
 b)Outer xylem- Outer cambuim- Middle phloem- Inner cambuim- Inner xylem
 c)Outer phloem- Outer cambuim- Middle xylem- Inner cambuim- Inner phloem
 d)Outer cambuim- Outer phloem- Middle xylem- Inner phloem- Inner cambuim

23. The common bottle cork is a product of

 b)Vascular cambium

24. Closed vascular bundles lack

 c)Ground tissue
 d)Conjunctive tissue

25. Water containing cavities in vascular bundles are found in


26. The Umbrella plant is


27. Parasitic colourless red Algae is


28. The motile asexual spores formed in Chlamydomonas are.


29. Which of the following is a colonial algae


30. Which of the following algae is the large source of Agar Agar.


31. Cup shaped chloroplast is present in


32. In Phaeophycean algae the brown colour is mainly due to.


33. Which of the following is Irish moss


34. The algae largely used to study the photosynthetic path way is -----------


35. Spirally coiled ribbon like ----------- is present in Spirogyra

 d)Cytoplasmic strand

36. Auxospores are the a sexual reproductive spores formed in


37. Which of the following is a plant animal


38. "Organisms living in the glass house" are.


39. Unicellular, Eukaryotic microscopic organisms are.


40. Vascular bundle surrounded by sclerenchymatous sheath occur in

 a)Monocot stem
 b)Dicot stem and leaf
 c)Monocot root
 d)Dicot root

41. Vascular bundle occur in a ring in.

 a)Monocot stem
 d)Dicot stem

42. Mesophyll is differentiated into palisade and spongy tissue in

 a)Some monocot leaves
 b)All Dovsivantral leaves
 c)All monocot leaves
 d)All isobilateral leaves

43. Casparion strips contain.


44. Monocot stem has

 a)Bicollateral closed vascular bundles
 b)Collateral closed vascular bundles
 c)Collateral open vascular bundles
 d)Collateral radial vascular bundles

45. Tyloses are thickening seen in

 a)Phloem fibers
 b)Seive cells
 c)Seive tubes
 d)xylem vessels

46. Functional xylem of Dicot tree is.

 a)Sap wood
 b)Autmn wood
 c)Heart wood
 d)Hard wood

47. Kranz anatomy is present in

 a)C4 Plants
 b)C3 Plants
 c)C2 Plants
 d)All Plants

48. Which of the following is an example for. Lateral meristem

 a)Shoot apex
 b)Root apex
 c)Fascicular cambium

49. The determination of age of a tree by counting the number of annual rings is


50. Motor cells or bulliforms cells are responsible for.

 a)Rolling of leaves
 d)Secondary thickening