1. Unicellular organism called umbrella plant is the
2. Proteins associated with DNA is called.
3. Cytoplasmic connection between adjacent cell is called.
4. The cells that make fat tissue in our body is.
5. High metabolic energy usage occur in the cells of.
6. The smallest cell size that can be seen with naked eye is.
7. Cell theory was applied to plants by.
8. Chance of survival of an organism is increase by
9. Cells were first observed in the plant tissue called.
10. Primary and universal carrier of chemical energy in the cell is.
11. Electrical energy in Ray fish in an example of.
12. The total energy contained in a system is called.
13. Which of the following organism form an exception to cell theory.
14. Largest RBC is found the organism called
15. Ribosomes of bacteria are
16. Which of the following is an amembraneous organelle
17. Potentiality of somatic cells is grow into complete organism is.
18. Nucleid is present in
19. The power house of the cell is the organelle called.
20. Who has expressed origin of cell in the form of "Omnicellulae a celluae"