Question Bank No: 1

1. Continued secretion of milk is maintained by


2. Secondary sexual characters in males develop under the influence of


3. Mammalian thymus is mainly concerned with

 a)regulation of body temperature
 b)regulation of body growth
 c)immunological functions
 d)secretion of thyrotropin

4. The receptors for sound waves are present on

 a)organs of Corti
 b)reissner's membrane
 c)semicircular canals

5. The sequence of ear ossicles from outside (tympanum) to inside is

 a)stapes, incus and malleus
 b)malleus, incus and stapes
 c)stapes, malleus and incus
 d)incus, malleus and stapes

6. Neuromotor transmitter between two nerves at a synapse is


7. Nervous band connecting the two cerebral hemispheres is

 a)corpus albicans
 b)corpus callosum
 c)corpus striatum
 d)corpus spongiosum

8. Body coordination is maintained by

 a)circulatory system
 b)nervous system
 c)endocrine system
 d)both B and C

9. In homoiotherms the brain centre for regulating body temperature lies in

 a)medulla oblongata
 c)cerebral lobe

10. Ivan Pavlov performed experiments on

 a)simple reflexes
 b)conditioned reflexes
 c)cardiac reflexes
 d)origin of life

11. State of complete inexcitability between polarisation and repolarisation is

 a)refractory period
 b)synaptic delay
 c)action potential

12. Afferent nerve fibres carry impulses from

 a)Effector organs to CNS
 b)receptors to CNS
 c)CNS to receptors
 d)CNS to muscles

13. Organ of Corti sends information to brain through cranical nerve


14. Which is not a reflex action

 a)swallowing of food
 b)shivering in cold
 c)salivation at choicest food
 d)closure of eyes lids by flshing light

15. Synaptic fatigue is due to

 a)Repeated release of acetylcholine
 b)repeated release of adrenaline
 c)exhaustion of neurotransmitter
 d)exhaustion og acetyl cholinesterase

16. Eye muscles are innervated by

 a)oculomotor, abducens and vagus
 b)oculomotor, trochlear and abducens
 c)oculomotor, abducens and facial
 d)oculomotor, facial and vagus

17. One function of parasympathetic nervous system is

 a)contraction of hair muscles
 b)stimulation of sweat glands
 c)acceleration of heart beat
 d)constriction of pupil

18. Cranial nerve bringing impulses from internal ear is


19. Which controls reflex action ?

 a)central nervous system
 b)sympathetic nervous system
 c)parasympathetic nervous system
 d)sensory nerves

20. Spinal nerves are usually


21. Fourth ventricle of brain occurs in

 a)Olfactory lobe
 b)medulla oblongata
 c)cerebral hemisphere

22. Part of mammalian brain controlling muscular coordination is

 b)corpus callosum
 c)medulla oblongata

23. Olfactory lobes of a mammalian brain are

 a)fused and hollow
 b)fused and solid
 c)free and solid
 d)free and hollow

24. Which one is incorporated in muscle fibres?


25. Surface for attachment of tongue is

 d)hyoid apparatus

26. In mammals the lower jaw is made of


27. Joint between humerus and radio-ulna is

 a)ball and socket

28. Acromion process is part of

 a)vertebral column
 b)pelvic girdle
 d)pectoral girdle

29. Ends of long bones are covered by

 d)blood cells

30. Haversian system is diagnostic feature of

 a)avian bones
 b)reptilian bones
 c)mammalian bones
 d)bone of all animals

31. Intercostal muscles occur in


32. Longest 'visceral' muscle occurs in

 a)vas deferens
 b)pregnant uterus
 c)normal uterus

33. Muscles causing movement of food in stomach are


34. An example of gliding joint is

 a)humerus and glenoid cavity
 b)femur and tibio-fibula
 c)occipital condyle and odontoid process
 d)zygapophyses of adjacent vertebrae

35. Ilium is part of

 a)small intestine
 b)pectoral girdle
 c)pulmonary tract
 d)pelvic girdle

36. Extremities of long bones possess cartilage


37. Pectoral girdle, pelvic girdle and limb bones constitute

 a)visceral skeleton
 b)outer skeleton
 c)axial skeleton
 d)appendicular skeleton

38. In human beings, the second cervical vertebra helps in rotatory movements of head through knob-like process called

 c)odontoid process

39. Zygomaticarch of rabbit (mammals) is formed of

 a)maxilla, periotic and jugal
 b)maxilla, squamosal and jugal
 c)maxilla, pre-maxilla and squamosal
 d)periotic, jugal and palatine

40. Number of bones in one half of lower jaw in humans is


41. Ribs are attached to


42. Sella turcica is

 a)depression of long bone
 b)ridge over a bone
 c)depression in the skull in the area of pituitary gland
 d)ridge in the skull over the area of pituitary gland

43. Obturator foramen occurs in

 a)Pelvic girdle
 b)Pectoral girdle

44. The total number of ribs in human body is


45. Number of bones in human body is


46. Which blood vessel takes blood away from kidney?

 a)renal portal vein
 b)renal vein
 c)afferent arteriole
 d)efferent arteriole

47. Ornithine cycle removes two waste products from blood in liver

 a)urea and carbon dioxide
 b)carbon dioxide and ammonia
 c)ammonia and uric acid
 d)ammonia and urea

48. Urea is formed in liver cells from

 a)ammonia and nitrogen
 b)ammonia and carbon dioxide
 c)ammonia, carbon dioxide and aspartic acid
 d)ammonia and carbon monoxide

49. Uric acid is nitrogenous waste in

 a)mammals and molluses
 b)birds and animals
 c)frog and cartilaginous fishes
 d)insects and bony fishes

50. Reabsorption of chloride ions from glomerular filtrate in kidney tubule occurs by

 a)active transport
 d)brownian movement