Question Bank No: 2

1. Ornithine cycle operates/ Urea formation occurs in

 d)oval cavity

2. Part not belonging to uriniferous tubule is

 b)Henle's loop
 c)Distal convoluted tubule
 d)Connecting tubule

3. Glucose is taken back from glomerular filtrate through

 a)Active support
 b)Passive transport

4. Which is true abot excretion

 a)90% water and Na+ of glomerular fill rate are absorbed
 b)Glucose is reabsorbed in distal convoluted tubule
 c)Water is reabsorbed in proximal convoluted tubule
 d)99% of water and glucose in the glomerular filtrate are reabsorbed

5. Which one is uricotelic

 a)Frog and toads
 b)Lizards and birds
 c)Cattle , monkey and man
 d)Molluscs and teleost fishes

6. Proximol and distal convuluted tubules are parts of

 a)Smeiniferous tubules
 d)Vas deferens

7. Glomeruli are confined to


8. Malphigian /Bowman's corplscles occur in


9. Concentration of Urine is controlled by


10. Excess intake of sugar in fever may increase elimination of

 d)Uric acid

11. Surplus amino acids are broken down to form urea in


12. In a rabbit and other terrestial mammals, the main nitrogenous waste material is

 a)Uric acid
 d)Urea and Uric acid

13. Diuresis is the condition in which

 a)The excretion of volume of urine increases
 b)The excretion of volume of Urine decreases
 c)They kidneys fail to excrete urine
 d)The water balance of the body is disturbed

14. When a person is suffering from poor renal absorption,which one of the following will not help in maintenance of blood volume.

 a)Decreased glomerular filtration
 b)Increased ADH Secretion
 c)Decreased arterial pressure in kidneys
 d)Increased arterial pressure in kidneys

15. Excetory products of mammalian embryo are eliminated by

 b)Amnotic Fluid

16. Erythroblastosis foetalis occurs when a factor from mother passes into foetus through placenta

 a)Rh antigens
 c)Rh antibodies
 d)ABO antibodies

17. Pulmonary artery drains deoxygenated blood from

 a)Right Ventricle
 b)Right Atrium
 c)Left atrium
 d)Left Ventricle

18. Valve of Thebesius occurs in the heart of


19. Which one are granulocytes

 a)Neutrophils, basophils, Lymphocytes
 b)Eosinophils, basophils, monocytes
 c)Basophils, monocytes, lymphocytes
 d)Neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils

20. Alary muscles of Cockroach are associated with

 a)Malpighian tubules and excretion
 b)Tracheae and respiration
 c)Heart and Circulation
 d)None of the above

21. Deoxygenated blood from wall of heart is carried by

 a)Coronary Sinus
 b)Inferior Vena Cava
 c)Superior Vena Cava
 d)Pulmonary Artery

22. All veins have deoxygenated blood except

 a)Renal artery
 b)Hepatic vein
 c)Hepatic portal vein
 d)Pulmonary Veins

23. Value of Cardiac output is

 a)Auricular volume X Ventricular volume
 b)Stroke volume X Rate of Heart beat
 c)Blood pumped in one minute
 d)Both B and C

24. Blood leaving and moving to heart has higher concentration of


25. Veins contain valves to check back flow of blood due to presence of

 a)Very high blood pressure
 b)Low Pressure
 c)No pressure
 d)High Pressure

26. Largest number of white blood corpluscles are


27. Tooth Extraction in a haemophilic person may cause death due to excessive bleeding because of

 a)Absence of plasma factor required to convert prothrombin in to thrombin
 b)Presence of plasma factor that causes haemorrhage
 c)Presence of plasma factor that prevents blood clottng
 d)Absence of plasma factor required for haemorrhage

28. In Uraemia there is

 a)Increased urine output
 b)Increased urea in Blood
 c)Increased serum in cholesterol
 d)Increased blood sugar

29. The amount of glucose in human blood is 0.1%. It occurs in


30. Number of leucocytes present in one mm3 of blood is

 d)1 million to 1.5 million

31. Blood stored at 4oC shows movements of K+ ions out of RBC and into the plasma. The reason is

 a)Higher mobility of K+ ions at 4o C
 b)Anticoagulant attracts K+ ions into plasma
 c)Destruction of RBC
 d)Stoppage of active transport and development of ionic equililbrium

32. Buffer salts found in blood are those of

 c)Co, Na and K
 d)Na and K

33. Which of the following is required for blood coagulation?


34. The name of disease connected with Rh factor is


35. Husband and wife should know their RH due to biological factors because the situation can be serious due to biological incompatibility in one of the following cases

 a)Rh+ Husband and Rh+ wife
 b)Rh Husband and Rh wife
 c)Rh Husband and Rh+ wife
 d)Rh+ husband and Rh wife

36. If a man is Rh+ and woman Rh

 a)Their first child will die
 b)No Child will be born
 c)The first child will survive
 d)All the children will survive

37. What cannot be the blood groups of the parents of a baby having blood group A ?

 a)O and O
 b)O and A
 c)A and O
 d)A and A

38. A child of blood group O cannot have parents of blood groups

 a)AB and AB/O
 b)A and B
 c)B and B
 d)O and O

39. Which of the following genotypes have blood group B?

 a)A/B, +/+
 b)A/A, +/A
 c)+/+, +/+
 d)B/B, +/B

40. Universal recipients belong to blood group


41. A person with blood group A requires blood. The blood which can be given is

 a)A and B
 b)A and AB
 c)A and O
 d)A, B, AB and O

42. A blood group has both A and B antigens but no antibodies. It is


43. A blood group does not have any antigen but possesses both a and b antibodies. It is


44. One person having blood group B requires transfusion. Blood which can be given should belong to group

 a)A and AB
 b)O and A
 c)O and B
 d)B and AB

45. Q. R. S.T is related to

 a)Ventricular Contraction
 b)Auricular Contraction
 c)Cardiac Cycle
 d)Auricular relaxation

46. Mark the odd one out


47. In normal adult man B.P is

 a)100/80 mm. of Hg
 b)120/80 mm. of Hg
 c)100/120 mm. of Hg
 d)80/120 mm. of Hg

48. Number of RBCs in man increases on living at high altitude, because

 a)There is more oxygen
 b)There is less oxygen
 c)There are no germs in the air
 d)More heat is needed to warm bodies

49. Hepatic portal system starts from

 a)Digestive system to liver
 b)Kidney to liver
 c)Liver to Heart
 d)Liver to kidney

50. Mammals have biconcave RBC. The physiological use for it is

 a)To increase the surface like coins
 b)That they can be packed like coins
 c)Morehaemoglobin can be accomodated
 d)None of the above