Question Bank No: 3

1. Vitamin necessary for blood clotting is


2. A person with antigen 'B' in RBC and antobodies 'a' in the plasma belongs to the blood group


3. The antibodies are formed in

 a)bone marrow
 c)lymphoid tissue

4. The life of the erythrocytes in mamalian clood is about

 a)120 days
 b)150 days
 c)190 days
 d)180 days

5. In man, blood passed from the post caval into the diastolic right atrium of the heart because of

 a)pushing of venous valves
 b)suction pull
 c)beating of S.A node
 d)pressure difference between postcaval and atrium

6. Haemoglobin is found dissolved in the plasma of


7. Ventillation/ respiratory control is present in

 a)medulla oblongata

8. At high altitude, RBCs of human blood will

 a)increase in number
 b)decrease in number
 c)decrease in size
 d)increase in size

9. The alveolar epithelium in the lung is

 a)nonciliated columnar
 b)nonciliated squamous
 c)ciliated columnar
 d)ciliated squamous

10. Respiratory movements are controlled by

 c)medulla oblongata
 d)crura cerebri

11. Oxygen dissociation curve of haemoglobin is


12. At the time of inspiration, the diaphragm

 d)does not undergo any change

13. Which of the following gases makes the most stable combination with the heomoglobin of red blood cells?


14. In anaerobic repiration

 a)O2 is taken in
 b)CO2 is taken in
 c)O2 is given out
 d)CO2 is given out

15. In the process of transport of CO2 which pehnomenon occurs between RBCs and plasma?

 c)Chloride shift

16. Respiratory mechanism is controlled by

 a)central nervous system
 b)sympathetic nervous system
 c)parasympathetic nervous system
 d)autonomuv nervous systems

17. If the CO2 concentrates in the blood increases, the breathing shall

 d)no effect

18. Hydrolysis of lipids produces

 a)glycerine and glycerol
 b)fatty acids and trihydric alcohol
 d)all the above

19. Number of liver lobes in


20. Pulp cavity of a tooth is lined by


21. Which one is not matches


22. Aurbach's plexus occurs

 a)amongst podocytes of Bowman's capsule
 b)inner to muscular interna
 c)in muscular externa and made of nerves
 d)below dermis and made of muscles

23. Thecodont, diphyodont and heterodont teeth are characteristics of


24. In small intenstine, active absorption occurs in case of

 b)amino acids
 d)all of the above

25. Hormonal induction of succus entericus is due to

 b)secretin and cholecystokinin

26. Loss of appetite, gastrointestinal disorders and muscular weakness are deficiency symptoms of

 a)vitamin B
 b)vitamin A
 c)vitamin E
 d)vitamin C

27. Diastema, toothless area of jaw in certain mammals, occur between

 b)incisors and canines
 c)canines and premolars
 d)incisors and premolars

28. Deficiency of iodine causes


29. Which is caused by deficiency of protein?

 a)night blindness

30. Prolonged deficiency of nicotinic acid produces


31. Bleeding gums/softening of bones/ scurvy are caused by deficiency of


32. Intestinal villi are mainly connected with


33. Deficiency of vitamin C/Ascorbie acid caused

 d)night blindness

34. Vitamin K is required for

 a)change of prothrombin to thrombin
 b)synthesis of prothrombin
 c)change of fibrinogen to fibrin
 d)formation of thromboplastin

35. Thiamine (B1) deficiency leads to

 c)night blindness

36. Kupffers cells are

 a)hormone secreting
 b)fat cells
 c)mast cells

37. Removal of spleen will cause

 a)increased production of RBCs
 b)decreased formula of antibodies
 c)decreased production of plasma
 d)lesser formation of platelets

38. Organ of Golgi is the sensing structure formed at the junction of

 a)two nerves
 b)two bones
 c)nerve and muscle
 d)muscle and tendon

39. Nail is formed of


40. Exposed surface of human body is covered by a tissue

 a)glandular epithelium
 b)stratified squamous epithelium
 c)ciliated epithelium

41. Which one is a cutaneous gland?

 a)thymus gland
 b)thyroid gland
 c)sebaceous gland
 d)gastric gland

42. Stratum germinativum is an epithelium of the type


43. Mesothelium is present in

 a)body cavity
 b)wall of gut
 d)walls of blood vessels

44. Simple coiled tubular glands occur in

 a)dermis of skin

45. Hair present in the skin are

 a)epidermal in origin and made of dead cells
 b)epidermal in origin and made of living cells
 c)dermal in origin and made of living cells
 d)dermal in origin and made of dead cells

46. Male hormone is produced in the testis by cells of


47. Sertoli cells occur in

 a)mammalian testis
 b)mammalian ovary
 c)amphinian testis
 d)amphinian ovary

48. Graaffian follicles are found in


49. Prosimal and distal convoluted tubules are consituents of

 b)vas deferens

50. Stratum corneum of Frog contains

 a)living non- nucleated flattened cells
 b)living nucleated columnar cells
 c)Dead nucleated columnar cells
 d)dead dry flattened cells