Question Bank No: 4

1. Keratinised part of hair is

 d)all the above

2. Nails, claws, horns and hoofd are formed by

 c)stratum corneum of skin
 d)skin muscles

3. Sweat glands are primarily connected with

 a)dissipation of body heat
 b)regulation of water content
 c)removal of extra salts
 d)destroying skin bacteria

4. Lacrimal glands give rise to


5. Mammary glands are the modification og

 a)Sebaceous glands
 b)Sweat glands
 c)Meibomian glands
 d)None of these

6. Graafian follicle is found in

 a)Testes of rabbit
 b)Thyroid of rabbit
 c)Ovary of frog
 d)Ovary of rabbit

7. Loop of Henle is charasteristic feature of mammalian kidney. it is present in


8. Hormone controlling Na+K+ ion concentration is

 b)Anti-diuretic hormone

9. Myxoedema is due to

 a)Decreased production ofthyroxine
 b)Increased production of thyroxine
 c)Excess GH
 d)Decreased insulin

10. Disease caused by deficiency of parathormone is


11. Cholecystokinin and enterocrinin are secreted by

 c)Adrenal cortex
 d)Thyroid gland

12. Which one is emergency gland?


13. Immune disease in which body destroys the ill-functioning thyroid is

 a)Simmond's disease
 c)Hashimoto's disease

14. Relaxin is produced by


15. Diabetes insipidus is under control of


16. Epinephrine is

 c)Both A and B
 d)None of the above

17. Which is agastro-intestinal hormone?


18. Action of insulin was first demonstrated by

 a)Banting and Best
 d)Watson and Crick

19. Androgen is

 c)Male flower
 d)Male hormone

20. Renin is produced by

 c)Juxtaglomerular cells

21. Samatostain (GIH) is secreted by


22. Metabolic rate is controlled by


23. Exophthalmic goitre is due to

 a)Hyposecretion of thyroxine
 b)Hypersecretion of thyroxine
 c)Hypersecretion of thyrocalcitonin
 d)Hyposecretion of thyrocalcitonin

24. Deficiency of thyroxine/hypothyroidism in adults results in

 a)Diabetes mellitus
 b)Diabetes inspidus
 d)Exophthalmic goitre

25. Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) is secreted by

 a)Thyroid gland
 b)Anterior pituitary
 c)Posterior pituitary

26. Uterine contraction at the child birth is stimulated by


27. Deficiency of pitutary hormone causes a disease

 a)Diabetes insipidus
 b)Diabetes mellitus

28. Pituitary gland is under the control of

 a)Thyroid gland
 b)Adrenal gland
 c)Adrenal medulla

29. Acromegaly is caused by

 a)Thyroid gland
 b)Pituitary gland
 c)Thymus gland
 d)All the above

30. Vasopressin is connected with

 a)Dilution of urine
 b)Concentration of urine
 c)Slow heart beat
 d)Quicker heart beat

31. Deficiency of ADH (antidiuretic hormone) or vasopessin will result in

 a)Increased volume of urine
 b)Decreased volume of urine
 c)Excessive secretion of urochrome
 d)Change in pH from acidic to alkaline range

32. ACTH is secreted by

 a)Adrenal cortex
 c)Adrenal medulla

33. Ovulation in human is controlled by

 a)FSH and LTH
 b)FSH and TSH
 c)LTH and LH
 d)FSH and LH

34. MSH of pars intermedia of middle pituitary is responsible for

 a)Darkening of skin in lower vertebrates
 b)Light colouration of skin in lower vertebrates
 c)Both A and B
 d)Darkening of skin in human beings

35. Islets of Langerhans are found in


36. Triple 'F' or gland for flight, fight, and fright/Life saving/emergency gland is


37. Corpus luteum is

 a)Immature ovarian follicle
 b)Remains of ruptured follicle after ovulation
 c)Mature Graafian follicle
 d)Extra embryonic membrane

38. Secretion of estrogen is controlled by


39. Hormone term was coined by

 a)E.H Starling
 b)G.W Harris
 c)E.H Schally
 d)W.M Bayliss

40. Bacteria do not produce insulin. For insulin production which should be inserted in bacteria

 b)α - cells
 d)β - cells

41. Progesterone is

 a)An enzyme for digesting proteins
 b)Hormone to initiate uterine contraction
 c)Amino acid which may be cause of alkaptonuria
 d)Hormone concerned with retention and growth of pregnancy

42. Organs of Ruffini are receptors of


43. Convex lenses correct


44. Proprioreceptors are found in

 a)Sole of feet
 b)Adrenal cortex

45. Scala vestibuli is connected with

 a)Fenestra rotundus
 b)Fenestra ovalis
 c)Scala media
 d)Eusrachian tube

46. Part of eye controlling amount of light entering is

 c)Ciliary body
 d)Suspensory ligament

47. Sensory crista of ampulla of mammalian ear is connected with

 a)Sense of balance
 b)Sence of low hearing
 c)Sence of loud hearing
 d)Secretion of ear wax

48. Vibrations of fenestra ovalis are transmitted to

 a)Endolymph of scala media
 b)Endolymph of scala vestibuli
 c)Perilymph of scala vestibuli
 d)Perilymph of scala tympani

49. Bony labyrinth of ear contains a fluid known as

 d)Synovial fluid

50. Utriculus of internal ear is

 a)Lower chamber connected with equilibrium
 b)Lower chamber connected with receiving sound waves
 c)Upper chamber connected with receiving sound waves
 d)Upper chamber connected with equilibrium