Question Bank No: 5

1. In mammals, the organs of Chorti is found in

 a)Scala vestibubuli
 b)Scala tympani
 c)Scala media
 d)Cochlear canal

2. The structure required to maintain equilibrium is

 c)Eustachian tube
 d)Semicircular canals

3. Ear is most sensitive to sound waves of

 a)1000 cycles/sec
 b)10000 cycles/sec
 c)4000 cycles/sec
 d)20 cycles/sec

4. Rhodopsin pigment occurs in

 b)Retinal cells

5. Harderian gland is absent in


6. Colour determination is due to

 a)Rods in retina
 b)Cones in retina
 c)Lens of eye
 d)Cornea-lens complex

7. Bipolar nerve cells and ganglion cells are found in


8. In resting nerve what is true

 a)3Na+ are pumped in and 2K+ pumped put
 b)3Na+ are pumped out for every 2K+ pumped in
 c)There is no Na-K pump
 d)Na- K pump stops working

9. Saltatory transmission occurs in

 a)Nonmyelinated nerve
 b)Myelinated nerve fibre
 d)None of the above

10. Acetylcholin is

 d)Chemical transmitter

11. Vagus nerve is


12. Vagus nerve is

 a)Parasympathetic nerve
 b)Sympathetic nerve
 c)X cranial nerve
 d)V cranial nerve

13. During rest, sodium pump of a nerve results in

 a)More Na+ pumped than K+ ions taken in
 b)Na+ pumped in without exchange with any other ion
 c)Exchanging equal amounts of Na+ and K+
 d)More Na+ being pumped in than K+ ions pumped out

14. At the time of impulse transmission, the potential on the inner side of nerve changes

 a)+- and -
 b)-+ and -
 c)+- and +
 d)-+ and +

15. Which depresses heart beat?

 d)Spinal accessory

16. The longest cell of an animal body is


17. Sympathetic nervous system is also called

 b)Thoracico - lumbar
 c)Cranio - sacral

18. I.Q is the ratio of mental age to

 a)Chronological age multiplied by 100
 b)Chronological age multiplied by 10
 c)Chronological age
 d)Chronological age devided by 100

19. Trigeminal nerve arises from

 a)Medulla and devides into palatine, chorda tympani and hyomandibular
 b)Medulla and devides into ophthalmic, maxillary and mandibular
 c)Cerebellum and divides into palatine, chorda tympani and hyomandibular
 d)Cerebellum and devides into ophthalmic, maxillary and mandibular

20. Lungs, heart, larynx, stomach, intestine, etc are supplied by carnial nerve


21. Corpus callosum occurs in

 a)Fore brain of Frog
 b)Midbrain of Frog
 c)Fore brain of rabbit
 d)Midbrain of rabbit

22. Foramen of Monro is an aperture between

 a)Third and fourth ventricles
 b)Rhinocoel and diacoel
 c)Lateral and third ventricles
 d)Diacoel and metacoel

23. Iter (Aqueduct of sylvius) is found between

 a)Third and fourth ventricles
 b)Two lateral ventricles
 c)Lateral ventricles and third ventricle
 d)Rhinocoel and lateral ventricles

24. By origin brain is


25. The functional unit of contractile system of a striated muscle is

 b)Z - bands
 c)Cross bridge

26. Sarcomere is distance between

 a)Two I-bands
 b)A and I bands
 c)Two Z - lines
 d)Z and A bands

27. Acetabulum is part of

 a)Pelvic girdle
 b)Pectoral girdle
 c)Fore arm
 d)Upper arm

28. Which are involved in muscle contraction?

 a)Ca2+ and Mg2+
 b)Ca2+ and Na+
 c)Na+ and K+
 d)Mg2+ and K+

29. Which one has the maximum glycogen?


30. Comparative study of skulls is


31. Longest bone is that of

 d)Radio -ulna

32. Joint between bones of human skull is

 a)Hinge joint
 b)Synovial joint
 c)Cartilaginous joint
 d)Fibrous joint

33. Which is part of pectoral girdle?

 a)Glenoid cavity

34. Which ion is essential for muscle contraction?


35. Substance that accumulates in a fatigued muscle is

 a)Pyruvic acid
 b)Lactic acid

36. During muscle contraction

 a)Size of A - bands remains the same
 b)Size of H - zone becomes smaller
 c)Size of I - bands decreases
 d)All the above

37. Total number of muscles in human body are


38. Muscle contraction of shortest duration occurs in

 a)Eye lids

39. Glenoid cavity is found in

 a)Pelvic girdle
 c)Pectoral gridle

40. Smallest bone in Rabbit and man is


41. Number of vertebrae in human skelton is


42. Glomerulus and Bowman's capsule constitute

 a)Blood vessels
 b)Malpighian body
 c)Renel vein
 d)Afferent arteriole

43. Flame cells are excretory organs of

 c)Silver Fish

44. Bony fishes are


45. Orinithine cycle was discovered by

 c)Krebs and Henseleit

46. The two kidneys lie

 a)At the level of ovaries
 b)At the same level
 c)Left kidney at a higher level than the right one
 d)Right kidney at a level than the left one

47. Ornithine cycle performs

 a)ATP synthesis
 b)Urea formation in spleen
 c)Urea formation in liver
 d)Urine formation in liver

48. Which of the following is totally reabsorbed in renul tubes?


49. In diabetes mellitus the patient drinks more water as there is urinary loss of


50. Total filtrate formed in 24 hours in human kidney is

 a)1.8 litres
 b)8.0 litres
 c)18 litres
 d)180 litres