Question Bank No: 6

1. Occurrence of excess urea in blood due to kidney failure is


2. ADH controls water permeability of

 a)collecting tube
 b)Proximal convoluted tube
 c)Distal convoluted tubule
 d)All the above

3. Filtration fraction is the ratio of

 a)Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and renal plasma flow (RPF)
 b)Transport maximum ( Tm) and clearance factor (Cf)
 c)Hb and HbO2
 d)O2 and CO2

4. Biliverdin and bilirubin are mainly excreted alongwith


5. Kidney stone is produced due to

 a)Deposition of sand particles
 b)Precipitation of proteins
 c)Crystallisation of oxalates
 d)Blockage of fat

6. Urea is derived from

 b)Amino acids
 d)Uric acid

7. Green glands are excretory organs of

 d)Cray fishes

8. Trimethylamine is the excretory product in

 a)Marine teleosts
 b)Freshwater fishes

9. The blood vessel taking blood into Bowman's capsule is

 a)Afferent arteriole
 b)Efferent arteriole
 c)Renal vein
 d)Renal portal vein

10. Presence of RBC in urine is called


11. In prawn, excretion is carried out by

 b)Malpighian tubules
 c)Flame cells
 d)Green glands

12. Effective filtration pressure in the glomerulus in kidney of a man is about

 a)+ 75 mm Hg
 b)+ 80 mm Hg
 c)+ 25 mm Hg
 d)+ 50 mm Hg

13. The reabsorption of water in the kidneys is under the control of a hormone


14. Pulmonary vein carries

 a)Deoxygentaed blood
 b)Oxygenated blood
 c)Mixed blood
 d)None of the above

15. Which one represents pulmonary circulation

 a)Left auricle (oxygenated blood) lungs (deoxygenated blood) Right auricle
 b)Left auricle (deoxygenated blood) lungs (oxygenated blood) Right auricle
 c)Left auricle (oxygenated blood) lungs (deoxygenated blood) Left auricle
 d)Right auricle (deoxygenated blood) lungs (oxygenated blood) Left auricle

16. Heparin is

 d)Blood diluter

17. Kidney shaped nucleus occurs in


18. Murmur occurs due to defect in

 a)Heart valves
 b)SA node
 c)AV node
 d)Purkinje fibres

19. Systematic circulation of oxygenated blood starts from

 a)Right atrium
 b)Left atrium
 c)Left ventricle
 d)Right ventricle

20. Normal pulse pressure is

 a)80 mm Hg
 b)120 mm Hg
 c)40 mg Hg
 d)320 mm Hg

21. The organ which gets only oxygenated blood is


22. The value of diastolic blood pressure is

 a)120 mm Hg
 b)80 mm Hg
 c)120/80 mm Hg
 d)40 mm Hg

23. Vasoconstriction causes

 a)Increase in heart beat
 b)Decrease in heart beat
 c)Increase in blood pressure
 d)Decrease in blood pressure

24. Pace maker is

 a)Instrument for measuring heart beat
 b)Instrument for measuring pulse rate
 c)Auriculo-ventricular node that provides impulse for heart beat
 d)Sinu-auricular node that provides impulse for heart beat

25. Antibodies are formed in

 a)Bone marrow
 d)Lymphoid tissue

26. Erythrocytes of adult rabbit/human are produced in

 b)Bone marrow

27. Sodium oxalate prevents blood clotting due to

 a)Blocking of fibrinogen transformation
 b)Covering RBC
 c)Inhibiting activity of clotting factor of plasma
 d)Combining with cations of blood

28. Largest corpuscles of mammalian blood are


29. Haemophilia is

 a)Royal disease
 b)Faulty blood clotting
 c)Both A and B
 d)Mosquito having haemocoel

30. Sickle cell anaemia is characterised by

 c)Mental retardation
 d)Hemolytic anaemia

31. In mature RBC, nucleus is present in

 c)Both Rabbit and Frog
 d)Neither in frog and Rabbit

32. Diapedesis is

 a)Bursting of WBC
 b)Production of pus
 c)Production of WBC
 d)Passage of WBC out of blood capillaries to the site of injury

33. Blood platelets produce


34. Ringer solution possesses

 a)Na and K ions
 b)Water and acid fuchsin
 c)Wax and acetic acid
 d)Salt and iodine

35. pH of blood in arteries and veins is

 a)Higher in arteries and lower in veins
 b)Higher in veins and lower in arteries
 d)Variable in both

36. Blood plasma is


37. Buffer for blood is


38. Heriditary disease in which blood does not coagulate is

 c)Sickle cell anaemia

39. The disease erythroblastosis foetalis of human baby is due to

 a)Incompatibility of blood groups of the couple
 b)Incompatibility of blood groups of embryo and mother
 c)Maladjustment of Rh factor
 d)All the above

40. Removal of calcium from freshly collected blood would

 a)Cause delayed clotting
 b)Prevent clotting
 c)Cause immediate clotting
 d)Prevent destruction of haemoglobin

41. Rh factor was discovered by

 b)Landsteiner and Weiner

42. Universal blood donor group is


43. If the spleen is removed from the body of an adult man then

 a)RBC production will be lowered
 b)Antibody production will be less
 c)Filtration of dead RBC will stop
 d)WBC production will be lowered

44. The life span of WBCs in man is about

 a)100-120 days
 b)80-90 days
 c)20-25 days
 d)12-13 days

45. When RBCs are placed in gypertonic solution they

 d)Retain their size

46. Iron free compound of haemoglobin is


47. In sickle cell anaemia the disorder is caused due to the change in chemical nature of

 a)α chain of haemoglobin
 b)βchain of haemoglobin
 c)Both the chains
 d)neither of them

48. Number of RBC in adult man per mm3 of blood is


49. English physician who discovered blood circulation was

 a)J. C. Bose
 b)A. Vesalius
 c)William Harvey
 d)H. G. khurana

50. The heart of healthy man beats normally per minute

 a)60-70 times
 b)70-80 times
 c)80-90 times
 d)85-90 times