Question Bank No: 8

1. Spleen is responsible for

 a)Storage of blood cells
 b)Secretion of enzymes
 c)Concentration of bile
 d)Secretion of hormones

2. Which one produces serotonin hormone in pancreas?

 a)α -cells
 b)β -cells
 c)δ -cells

3. Largest gland of the human body is


4. Kupffer's cells occur in


5. Brunner's glands occur in

 a)Mucosa of oesophagus
 b)Submucosa of duodenum
 c)Mucosa of ileum
 d)Submucosa of stomach

6. Malpighian corpuscles lie in


7. Duct of Bellini in a kidney is the name of

 a)Uriniferous tubule
 b)Collecting tube
 c)Loop of Henle
 d)Efferent arteriole

8. Skin is a respiratory oragan in

 c)Primitive mammals

9. Sebaceous glands are found in

 a)Epidermis of skin
 b)Dermis of skin
 c)Hypodermis of skin
 d)Near nails and hoofs

10. Meissner's corpuscles occur in

 d)Nerve cells