Question Bank No: 1

1. If husband has blood group 'O' and wife blood group AB, the blood group of the child cannot be

 d)O or AB

2. Rate of heart beat is highest in


3. Removal of CA++ from freshly collected blood would

 a)Cause delayed clotting
 b)Prevent clotting
 c)Cause immediate clotting
 d)Prevent destruction of Hb

4. Husband and wife should know their Rh factor because the situation can be serious as in one of the following cases

 a)Rh+ husband & Rh+ wife
 b)Rh- husband & Rh- wife
 c)Rh- husband & Rh+ wife
 d)Rh+ husband & Rh- wife

5. Which is blood group of genotypes IB IB and IBIo

 d)O or AB

6. One person having B blood group requires transfusion. Blood which can be given should belong to group

 a)A & AB
 b)O & A
 c)B & AB
 d)O & B

7. If the spleen is removed from the body of an adult man then

 a)RBC production will be lowered
 b)Antibody production will be less.
 c)Filtration of dead RBC will stop
 d)WBC production will be lowered.

8. Lymph glands help in

 a)Prepare blood
 b)Eliminate urea
 c)Prepare antitoxins
 d)Destroy Pathogens

9. In the heart of Rabbit bicuspid valve is situated between

 a)Post canal and right auricle
 b)Right auricle and right ventricle.
 c)Left auricle and left ventricle
 d)Right ventricles & Pulmonary arta

10. Blue blood in Arthropods is due to the presence


11. A person with blood group O can receive blood of group

 a)A only
 b)B only
 c)O only
 d)AB Only

12. This of the following has last urea

 a)Pulmonary vein
 b)Hepatic portal vein
 c)Hepatic vein
 d)Renal vein

13. Canal system is found in


14. Cords of Billroth are blood spaces found in


15. Thickening of the wall of arteries is known as

 d)Heart attack

16. A person with antigen A in RBC and antibody B in plasma.

 a)Belongs top blood group A
 b)Belongs to blood group B.
 c)Belongs to blood group O
 d)Belongs to blood group AB

17. Hyphophyseal portal system is present in

 d)All the above

18. If the blood pressure is measured as 120/80 mm of Hg, the term 120 refers to

 a)Heart beat rate
 b)Pulse rate
 c)Diastolic pressure
 d)Systolic pressure

19. The function of vagus nerve innervating the heart is to

 a)Initiate the heart beat
 b)Reduce the heart beat
 c)Accelerated the heart beat
 d)Keep the heart beat constant

20. The left ventricle possesses a thicker wall than right ventricle because.

 a)It receives deoxygenated blood from left atrium
 b)It receives oxygenated blood from left atrium
 c)It pumps oxygenated blood out of the heart
 d)It pumps oxygenated blood out of the heart.

21. Bicuspid & Tricuspid Valves are closed during

 a)Ventricular systole
 b)Ventricular diastole
 c)A trial systole
 d)Late joint decastole

22. In which of the following groups, the heart pumps only deoxygenated blood.


23. Which one of the following consists of a thin layer of endothelium only


24. The circulatory system of Hydra consists of

 c)Blood vessels

25. Sinus venosus is present in the heart of


26. Blood flows through sinuses in

 a)Pulmonary circulation
 b)Systemic circulation
 c)Open circulatory system
 d)Closed circulatory system

27. Arteries are thick walled, because.

 a)They are without vlaves
 b)They are to pump blood
 c)The blood flows with jerks in them
 d)They have oxygenated blood

28. Intracellular circulation occurs in
