Question Bank No: 1

1. The pH of 10 M HCL aqueous solution is

 a)less than 0

2. Which buffer solution out of the following will have pH > 7?

 d)NH4OH+ NH4Cl

3. Out of the following, the compound whose water solution has the highest pH is


4. Which of the following salts when dissolved in water hydrolyse?


5. A saturated solution of Ag2SO4 has solubility 2.5×102M.The value of its solubility product is


6. Precipitation takes place when the ionic product

 a)equals the solubility product
 b)exceeds the solubility product
 c)is less than the the solubility product
 d)is almost zero

7BF3 is an acid according to

 a)Arrhenius concept
 b)Bronsted -Lowry concept
 c)Lewis concept

8. What is the correct representation for the solubility product of SnS2?

 c)[Sn2+] [2S2]
 d)[Sn4+] [2S2]2

9. A white salt is readily soluble in water and gives a colourless solution with a Hp of about 9. The salt would be


10. How many ml of 1 M H2SO4 is required to neutralise 10 ml of 1 m NaOH solution?


11. The conjugate base of NH2 is


12. The Hp of a solution is increased from 3 to 6;its H+ion concentration will be

 a)reduced to half
 c)reduced by 1000 times
 d)increased by 1000 times

13. Which of the following is not a Lewis acid?


14. In the reactionI2+II3 the Lewis base is


15. The solubility of AgCl will be minimum in

 a)0.001 MAgNO3
 b)pure water
 d)0.01 M NaCl

16. When 4gm of NaOH is dissolved in ten litre of solution the Hp is


17. The aqueous solution of aluminium chloride is acidic due to

 a)Cation hydrolysis
 b)Anion hydrolysis
 c)Hydrolysis of both anion and cation

18. A soda water bottle has Hp

 a)< 7
 b)> 7
 c)= 7

19. Assuming complete dissociation, the Hp of a 0.01M NaOH solution is equal to


20. The number of moles of acid or base required by 1 litre of buffer to alter its pH by one unit is called

 a)Buffer action
 c)Buffer capacity