1. Goitre can occur as a consequence of all the following except:
2. Motile zygire of Plasmodium occurs in
3. Which one of the following is not a property of cancerous cells whereas the remaining three are?
4. Cirrhosis of live is caused by the chronic intake of
5. Common cold differs from pneumonia in, that
6. Which of the following is a pair of viral diseases?
7. A tumor enclosed within a capsule is termed
8. Which of the following disease is due to an allergic reaction?
9. Use of anti-histamines and steroids give a quick relief from
10. Which of the following disease is caused by virus and transmitted by mosquito
11. Suspension of attenuated pathogen that stimulates antibody formation is
12. Alzheimer disease in humans is associated with the deficiency of
13. Cancer cells are damaged by radiations while others are not because cancer cells are
14. At which stage of HIV infection does one usually show symptoms of AIDS?
15. A health disorder that results from the deficiency of thyroxine in a adults and characterized by (i) a low metabolic rate, (ii) increase in body weight and (iii) tendency to retain water in tissues is
16. A metastatic cancerous tissue is termed 'sarcoma' if the disorder is in