Question Bank No: 1

1. Natural sink of stratospheric ozone is

 a)Sulphuric dioxide
 b)Sulphur fluxes of oceans

2. Eutrophication causes reduction in

 a)Dissolved hydrogen
 b)Dissolved oxygen
 c)Dissolved salts
 d)All the above

3. Which is not a green house gas

 c)Carbon dioxide

4. Grass being produced by paddy fields and involved in global warming is


5. DDT is

 a)Green house gas
 b)Degradable pollutant
 c)Non degradable pollutant
 d)None of the above

6. Increased asthmatic attacks in certain seasons are related to

 a)Inhalation of seasonal pollen
 b)Eating of seasonal vegetables
 c)Low temperature
 d)Wet and dry environment

7. Which group of vertebrates comprises highest number of endangered species


8. The area where wild population, traditional life styles and genetic resources are protected is

 a)Biosphere reserve
 b)National Park
 d)Core zone

9. Which one is endangered species of India

 c)Indian Wild Ass

10. WWF-N has logo for conservation of

 b)Giant Panda
 c)Red Panda
 d)Polar Bear

11. Plant species on verge of extinction due to over-exploitation is

 d)All the above

12. Decrease in species diversity in tropical countries is mainly due to

 d)Soil erosion

13. Wildlife is destroyed most when

 a)There is lack of proper care
 b)Mass scale hunting for foreign trade
 c)Its natural habitat is destroyed
 d)Natural clamity

14. Animal species should be protected because they are

 a)Lovely creatures
 b)Useful to humans
 c)To be studied by zoologists
 d)Man cannot recreate a lost species

15. The factor that destroys plant biodiversity is

 a)Biosphere reserves
 b)Vulnerable ecosystems
 c)Inaccessibility of habitats
 d)Destruction of habitats

16. In hilly areas, erosion is minimised by

 d)Mixed cropping

17. Inexhaustible, non-conventional source of energy is

 a)Solar radiations
 b)Sea tides
 c)Wind power
 d)All the above

18. Largest amount of fresh water is found in

 a)Lakes and streams
 c)Polar ice and glaciers

19. Value of a resource is dependent on its

 c)Requirement and type of society
 d)all the above

20. Recurrent of floods in the plants of North India is due to the excessive

 a)Siltation of dams
 d)Deforestation in catchment area

21. Geothermal energy is

 a)Nonrenewable nonconventional energy source
 b)Nonrenewable conventional energy source
 c)Renewable nonconventional energy source
 d)Renewable conventional energy source

22. A nonrenewable resource is

 d)Wild life

23. Best source of renewable energy is


24. Removal of top fertile soil by wind or water is

 b)Soil erosion
 c)Weathering of soil

25. Fertility of soil is measured by its ability to

 a)Retain nutrients
 b)Hold organic materials
 c)Hold water
 d)Support life

26. American water plant that has become a troublesome water weed in India is

 a)Cyperus roundus
 b)Eichhornia crassipes
 c)Trapa Latifolia
 d)Trapa bispinosa

27. Which is mainly responsible for extinction of wildlife?

 a)Hunting for flesh
 b)Destruction of habitats
 c)Pollution of air and water
 d)All the above

28. Soil erosion can be prevented by

 a)Restricted human activity
 b)Good plant cover
 c)Checking movement of animals
 d)Wind screen alone

29. Wild life is destroyed most when

 a)There is lack of proper care
 b)Mass scale hunting for foreign trade
 c)Its natural habitat is destroyed
 d)Natural calamity

30. Social forestry is

 a)Management of forests by cooperative societies
 b)Growing and management of useful plants on common lands
 c)Growing one type of trees
 d)Growing different types of plants together

31. Chipko movement isconnected with

 a)Conservation of natural resources
 b)Plant/forest conservation
 c)Plant breeding
 d)Project tiger

32. Deforestation will decrease

 a)Soil erosion
 b)Land slides
 c)Soil fertility

33. In the absence of decomposers, ecosystem functioning is adversely affected due to

 a)Blocking of energy flow
 b)Blocking of mineral cycling
 c)Blocking of solar energy to herbivores
 d)Rate of decomposition of other components will increase

34. Which one has the maximum biomass

 a)Temperate forest
 b)Tropical rain forest
 c)Alpine vegetation

35. In a food chain,herbivores/deer are

 a)Primary producers
 b)Primary consumers
 c)Secondary consumers

36. In a food chain, the initial organisms are

 a)Top consumers
 b)Secondary consumers
 c)Primary consumers

37. The driving force for an ecosystem is

 c)Carbohydrates in producers
 d)Solar energy

38. An ecosystem is

 a)Different communities of plants,animals and microbes together with their physico-chemical environments
 b)Different communities of plants and microbes along with their physico-chemical environments
 c)A localised assemblage of several plants and animals
 d)An assemblage of plants, animals and their surroundings

39. The two components of an ecosystem are

 a)Plants and animals
 b)Weeds,trees,animals and man
 c)Energy flow and mineral cycling
 d)Biotic and abiotic

40. The pyramid which cannot be inverted in a stable ecosystems is that of

 d)All the above

41. Pyramid of numbers in a grassland/true ecosystem is

 a)Always inverted
 b)Always Upright
 c)Both A and B
 d)Spindle -Shaped

42. In an ecosystem, which one shows one-way passage

 a)Free energy

43. Phytoplankton are destroyed .It will

 a)Cause spurt in population of primary consumers
 b)Rapid growth of algae
 c)Affect the food chain
 d)Have no effect

44. Energy transfer from organism to organism in a natural community developes

 a)Biological control
 b)Food chain
 c)Natural barriers
 d)Food web

45. Upper part of sea/aquatic ecosystem contains

 c)Plankton and Nekton

46. An ecosystem is an interacting system of

 b)Communities and their physical environment

47. Biological equilibrium is equilibrium amongst

 a)Producers and decomposers
 b)Producers and consumers
 c)Producers, consumers and decomposers
 d)consumers and decomposers

48. A food chain comprises

 a)Producers, herbivores and carnivores
 b)Producers, consumers and decomposers
 c)Producers and primary consumers
 d)Producers, carnivores and decomposers

49. Competition for light, nutrients and space is most severe between

 a)Closely related organisms growing in different niches
 b)Closely related organisms growing in the same area/niche
 c)Distantly related organisms growing in the same habitat
 d)Distantly related organisms growing in different niches

50. Zoochorellae in Hydru produce an association called
