Question Bank No: 4

1. Types of interaction that occur in predation and parasitism are


2. Fungal association of roots of higher plants in mycorrhiza is


3. Deserts can be converted into green land by

 a)Tropical trees

4. A parasite living within tissue of host is

 d)None of the above

5. Association of animals when both partners are benefitted


6. Which one is true?

 a)Commensalism when none of the interacting populations affect each other
 b)Symbiosis when the interaction is useful to both the populations
 c)Symbiosis when neither populations affects each other
 d)Commensalism when the interaction is useful to both the population

7. Association between Sea Anemone and Hermit Crab in gastropod shell is that of


8. The relation between algae and fungi in a lichen is


9. The spread of Opuntia was controlled by

 a)Allowing cattle to graze over it
 b)Allowing sheep and goats to browse over it
 c)Introducing insect
 d)Spraying herbicide

10. The phenomenon of one organism being benefitted with out affecting the other is


11. Human population shows

 a)J-shaped growth curve
 b)Z-shaped growth curve
 c)S-shaped growth curve
 d)All the above

12. Density of a population (D) is

 a)D = S(size)W(weight)
 b)D = S(space)N(number)
 c)D = N(number)S(space)
 d)None of the above

13. When population reaches carrying capacity

 a)Morality Rate = Birth Rate
 b)Morality Rate > Birth Rate
 c)Morality Rate < Birth Rate
 d)None of the above

14. Competition is the most severe between two

 a)Closely related species growing in different niches
 b)Closely related species growing in the same habitat
 c)Distantly related species growing in the same habitat
 d)Distantly related species growing in different niches