1. (a¯×b¯)2isequalto
2. i¯(j×k)+j(k×i)+k(i×j) is equal to
3. Given two vectors a¯=2i−3j+6k¯ b ¯ = 2 i + 2 j − k ¯ and λ = The projection of a ¯ on b ¯ The projection of b ¯ on a ¯ then the value of λis
4. The vector 14i¯−34j¯+12k¯is
5. If a¯ ×b¯=b¯×c¯≠0thenforanyscalark
6. If two vectors a¯ and b¯be such that |a¯+b¯|=|a¯−b¯|thentheanglebetweenthemis
7. a¯×b¯isavector
8. If Q is the angle between two unit vectors a¯,b¯,thencosθisequalto
9. If a¯andb¯are position vectors of A and B respectively, then the position vectors of a point C in AB produced such that AC→ =3AB⇀is
10. Let a→=i^+j^+k^ ,b→=i^−j^+2k^ and c→=xi^+(x−2)j^−k^. If the vector c→ lies in the plane of a→ and b→, then x is
11. If u→ and v→ are unit vectors and θ is the acute angle between them, then 2u→×3v→ is a unit vector for
12. The resultant of two forces PN and 3N is a force 7N . If the direction of the 3N forces were reserved , the resultant would be 19N. Then P =
13. Let a→, b→, c→ be unit vectors such that a→+b→+c→ = 0. Which one of the following is correct?
14. The number of distinct real values of λ, for which the vectors −λ2i^+ j^+k^, i^−λ2j^+k^ and i^+j^−λ2k^ are coplanar, is
15. The values of a, for which the points A, B, C with position vectors 2i^−j^+k^, i^−3j^−5k^ , ai^−3j^+k^ respectively are the vertices of a right- angled triangle with C =π2 are
16. ABC is a triangle, right angled at A. The resultant of forces acting along AB→, AC→ with magnitudes 1AB and 1AC respectively is the force along AD→, where D is the foot of the perpendicular from A onto BC. The square of the magnitude of the resultant is
17. If (a→×b→) × c→ = a→× (b→×c→) , where a→,b→, c→ are any three vectors such that a→.b→≠0, b→.c→ ≠0, then a→ and c→ are
18. Point (α,β,γ) lies on the plane x + y + z = 2. Let a→ = αi^+βj^+γk^, k ^ ×(k^ × a→) = 0. Then γ =
19. Let A→ be vector parallel to the line of intersection of planes P1 and P2 through the origin. P1 is parallel to the vectors a→ = 2j^+3k^ and b→ = 4j^ -3k^ and P2is parallel to the vectors c→=j^−k^ and d→ = 3j^+3j^. The angle between A→ and 2i^+j^−2k^ is
20. a→ and b→ are unit vectors imclined at an angle α, α∈[0,π]to each other and |a→+b→| <1. Then α∈
21. A line passes through the point 3i^ and is parallel to the vector -i^+j^+k^ and another line passes through the point i^+j^ and is parallel to the vector i^+k^, then they intersect at the point
22. The plane x+ 2y - z = 4 cuts the sphere x2+y2+z2−x+z−2 = 0 in a circle of radius
23. If the plane 2ax-3ay+4az+6 = 0 passes through the midpoint of the line joining the centres of the spheres x 2 + y 2 + z 2 + 6 x − 2 z =13 and x2+y2+z2−10x+4y−2z =8 , then a =
24. The resultant R→ of two forces acting on a particle is right angles to one of them and its magnitude is one third of the other force. The ratio of larger force to smaller one is
25. If a→, b→ , c→ are non- coplanar vectors and λ is a real number, then [λ(a→+b→),λ2b→,λc→] = [a→,b→+c→,b→] for
26. For any vector a→, the value of(a→×i^)2+(a→×j)^2+(a→×k)^2=
27. The distance between the line r→=2i^−2j^+3k^+λ (i^−j^+4k^) and the plane r→.(i^+5j^+k^) = 5 is
28. If C is the midpoint of AB and P is any point outside AB, then
29. Three forces P→, Q→, R→ acting along IA, IB, IC, where I is the incentre of a triangle ABC, are in equilibrium. Then |P→|:|Q→|:|R→|=
30. Let a→, b→, c→ are nonzero vectors such that (a→×b→) ×c→ = 13 |b→||c→| a→. If θ is the acute angle between the vectors b→ and c→, then sinθ =
31. Let u→, v→, w→ be such that |u→|=1, |v→|= 2, |w→|=3. If the projection of v→ along u→ is equal to that of w→ alongu→ and v→, w→ are perpendicular to each other, then |u→−v→+w→|=
32. If a→, b→, c→ are non coplanar vectors and λ is a scalar, then the vectors a → + 2 b → + 3 c → , λb→+4c→, (2λ -1)c→ are noncoplanar for
33. The resultant of forces P→ and Q→ is R→. If Q→ is doubled, then R→ is doubled. If the direction of Q→ is reserved , then R→ is again doubled. Then P2:Q2 :R2 =
34. Let u→= i^+j¯, v→= i^-j^, w→ = i^+ 2j^+3k^. If n→ is a unit vector such that u→.n→ = 0 and v→.n→ = 0, then |w→.n→| =
35. A particle acted on by constant forces 4i^+j^_3k^ and 3i^+ j^-k^ is displaced from the point (1, 2, 3) to the point (5, 4, 1). The work done =
36. The vectors AB→ = 3i^+4k^ and AC→ = 5i^-2j^+4k^ are two sides of a triangle ABC. The length of the median through A is
37. If u→, v→ ,w→ are three vectors, then (u→+v→−w→) . (u→−v→)× (v→−w→) =
38. If a→, b→, c→ are three vectors such that a→+ b→+c→=0 , |a→| = 1, |b→| = 2, |c→| = 3, then a→. b→+b→.c→+c→.a→=
39. A tetrahedron has vertices O (0, 0, 0), A (1, 2, 1), B (2, 1, 3), C(-1, 1, 2). The angle between the faces OAB and ABC is
40. If a→× b→=b→×c→=c→×a→≠0→, then a→+b→+c→=
41. If a→ = 3 i^− 5j^ , b→ = 6i^+ 3j^ and c→ = a→×b→, then |a→| : |b→| : |c→| =
42. If |a→| = 5 , |b→| = 4 , |c→| = 3 and a→+b→+c→ = 0 , then |a→.b→+b→.c→+c→.a→| =
43. If a→, b→, c→ are vectors such that a→+b→+c→ = 0 and |a→|= 7, |b→| =5, |c→|=3, then angle (b→, c→) =
44. If a→, b→, c→ are vectors such that [a→b→c→] = 4 , then [a→×b→b→×c→c→×a→] =
45. If |a→| = 4, |b→| = 2 and (a→, b→) =π6, then (a→×b→)2 =
46. If a→, b→, c→ are non zero , non coplanar vectors and b → 1 = b→−b→.a→|a→|2a→, b→2 = b→+b→.a→a→2a→, c → 1 = c→−c→.a→|a→|2a→+b→.c→|c→|2b→1, c → 2 = c→−c→.a→|a→|2a→−b→1.c→|b1→|2b→1, c → 3 = c→−c→.a→|c→|2 a→+b→.c→|c→|2 b→1, c → 4 = c→−c→.a→|c→|2a→−b→.c→|b→|2b→1 , then the set of orthogonal vectors is
47. The unit vector which is orthognal to the vector which is orthogonal to the vector 5 i ^ + j ^ + k ^ and i^− j^+ k^ is
48. If a→=i^+j^+k^, a→. b→=1 and a→ ×b→ = j^−k^ , then b→ is
49. If the volume of the parallelopiped with coterminal edges i^+aj^+k^, j^+ak^, ai^+k^ is minimum, then a =
50. Let V→ = 2i^ + j^-k^ and W→ = i^+3k^. If U→ is a unit vector, then the maximum value of [U→V→W→] is