1. Maximum amount of energy/ATP is liberated on oxidation of
2. In germinating Castor seeds,R.Q.is
3. Common phase between aerobic and anaerobic modes of respiration is
4. Link between glycolysis, Krebs cycle and β−oxidation of fatty acid or carbohydrate and fat metabolism is
5. R.Q.is less than one when the respiratory substrate is
6. Final electron acceptor in respiration is
7. In the process of respiration in plants 180g of glucose plus 192 g of oxygen produce
8. Incomplete breakdown of sugars in anaerobic respiration forms
9. Which among the following is the most appropriate reason for storing green coloured apples at low temperature?
10. Net gain of ATP in glycolysis
11. Common immediate source of energy in cellular activity is
12. Krebs cycle starts with the formation of six carbon compound by rreaction between
13. Incomplete oxidation of glucose into pyruvic acid with several intermediate steps is known as
14. Krebs cycle takes place in
15. Blackman's law was conceived in connection with
16. Chemical which absorbs light energy and changes it to chemical energy is
17. Cycle photophosphorylation products
18. Maize,Sugarcane and some other tropical plants have high efficiency of CO2 fixation because they operate
19. Rate of photosynthesis is independent of
20. Which one of the following would no be limiting factor in photosynthesis?
21. The C4-plants are different from theC3-plants with reference to the
22. During photosynthesis the oxygen in glucose comes from
23. The two pigment system theory of photosynthesis was proposed by
24. The number of chlorophyll molecules in a quantasome is
25. Which one of the following pigments does not occur in chloroplast
26. Water soluble pigment is
27. Besides water and light which is more essential as a raw material for food formation
28. Photophosphorylqtion is the process which
29. Our present day view regards photosynthesis is that it
30. The first scientist to find out the role of light in photosynthesis was
31. According to the vital force theory,ascent of sap is due to active pulsation of innermost layer of cortex.This theory was given by
32. Water rises in the stem due to
33. Root pressure is maximum at the time of
34. The phenomenon of uptake of water at the expense of energy by the cell usually against the osmotic gradient is known as
35. Root hairs occur in the zone of
36. Water will be absorbed by root hairs when the external medium is
37. Which one gives the most valid explanation for guard cell movements
38. Which wall of the guard cells is thick
39. Transpiration is least in
40. The following percentage of water absorbed by herbaccous plants is lodt in transpiration
41. Water drops present on leaf margins of Tropaeolum, Balsam and grasses in early morning are due to
42. Wilting in plants occurs when
43. Active K+ exchange mechanism for opening and closing of stomata was given by
44. When beet root cylinders are washed and then placed in cold water,anthocyanin does not come out.This indicates that most likely the plasma membrane is
45. A cell placed in strong salt solution will shrink because
46. Plasma membrane controls
47. Root hairs absorb water from soil when
48. A cell is plassmolysed after being kept in hypertonic solution,Wht will be present between cell wall and plasmalemma?
49. The force which determines the flow of water from one cell to another is
50. Electron transport system of mitochondria is located in