Question Bank No: 2

1. An antiviral substance produced in response to viral infection for restricting its multiplication is


2. Study of interaction of antigen and antibody in blood is


3. Science of engineering and technology applied to life science is

 b)Genetic engineering
 d)Biological science

4. Some blue green algae can be used as biofertilisers because

 a)They fix nitrogen
 b)They can grow everywhere
 c)They have mucilage
 d)They are autotrophic

5. Mycorrhiza acts as

 a)Mechanical tissue
 b)Root hair in adverse conditions
 c)Modifired root
 d)Organ for vegetative propagation

6. Devine and Collego are two trade names for

 d)Natural insecticides

7. Azolla is used as biofertilizer as it has

 d)Large quantity of humus

8. Technique for production of disease free plants is

 a)Clonal culture
 b)Tissue culture

9. The first transgenic crop was


10. Development of shoot and root in tissue culture is determined by

 a)Cytokinin and auxin ratio
 d)Plant nutrients

11. Virus free plants can be obtained by

 a)Antibiotic treatment
 b)Bordeaus mixture
 c)Root tip culture
 d)Shoot tip culture

12. Plant breeder who developed the first hybrid was


13. Emasculation is part of

 b)Pure line selection
 c)Mass selection
 d)Clonal selection

14. National Botanical Research Centre is located at


15. Pure line breeds refer to

 a)Homozygosity and independent assortment
 b)Homozygosity only
 d)Heterozygosity and linkage

16. The desired varieties of economically useful crops are raised by

 c)Natural selection

17. Plants can be made disease resistant through

 a)Colchicine treatment
 b)X-ray treatment
 c)Breeding with wild relatives
 d)Hormone treatment

18. Crop improvement is possible through

 a)Judicious combination of selection, introduction and hybridisation
 c)Scientific improvement of cultivated plants

19. Mutations are generally induced by means of

 a)Beta rays
 b)Alpha rays
 c)Gamma rays
 d)UV radiations

20. Loss of forests, urbanisation and increasing pollution are due to

 a)Global warming
 b)Green house effect
 c)Population explosion
 d)Ozone depletion

21. Tranquilliser is drug used for

 a)Indusing sleep
 b)Relieving pain
 c)Giving soothing effect
 d)Giving stimulating effect

22. LSD is got from


23. Sedatives and tranquillisers are also called

 d)Pain killers

24. Opium is got from

 a)Thea sinensis
 b)Coffea arabica
 c)Oryza sativa
 d)Papaver somniferum

25. Which one is hallucinogen?


26. An opiate narcotic is


27. Analgesic drugs

 a)Form tissues
 b)Relieve pain
 c)Relieve fatigue
 d)Cause pain

28. Addiction of LSD leads to

 b)Damage to kidneys
 c)Mental and emotional disturbance
 d)Damage to lungs

29. Growth of human population is represented currently by

 a)Lag phase
 b)Stationary phase
 c)Exponential phase almost terminating stationary phase
 d)Exponential phase

30. Cancers located in the connective tissue are called


31. Ability of cancer cells to invade into healthy tissue is called

 d)Corpus callosum

32. Neoplasm is


33. HIV viruses were discovered by

 a)Luc montagnier
 c)Carleton Gajdusek

34. Deficiency of B-cells and T-cellsis known as

 b)Auto immunity
 c)Cyto toxicity
 d)Immuno deficiency

35. The most abundant antibodies are


36. The colls which release antibodies include

 b)Cyto toxic-T-Cells
 c)Suppressor -T-Cells
 d)Plasma cells

37. Scientist pin pointed the location of colour perception centres in visual cortex of man by

 a)PET scanning
 c)US imaging
 d)C-T Scanning

38. National Institute of immunology is located at

 c)New Delhi

39. Ventricular repolarisation is denoted as

 b)RS- wave
 c)T wave

40. A graphical record of electrical changes during heart beat is

 a)Electro cardiograph
 b)Electro encephalogram
 c)Eco cardiogram
 d)Electro cardiogram

41. NMR works on

 a)Ultra sound imaging
 b)Magnetic resonance
 c)Computerized tomography
 d)X-ray imaging

42. EEG indicates functioning of


43. Decrease in WBC count is called


44. In which of the following place central drug research Institute is situated


45. Which of the following enzyme is used to dissolve blood clots in heart attack patients

 c)Tissue plasminagen activator

46. First genetically engineered human insulin was produced in


47. Black death or great mortality is the name given to


48. Lysine - rich varieties of maize developed in India are


49. The sum total of all alleles of the genes present in a crop and its related species is called

 a)Seed bank
 d)Green House

50. Which of the following is a congenital disease

 c)Night blindness