Question Bank No: 1

1. When does pairing synapsis of homologous chromosomes (bivalent formation) occur in meiosis?


2. Stages in proper sequence of Prophase I are

 a)Zygotene, Leptotene, Pachytene, Diakinesis and Diplotene
 b)Leptotene, Zygotene, Pachytene, Diplotene and Diakinesis
 c)Leptotene, Pachytene, Zygotene, Diakinesis and Diplotene
 d)Diplotene, Diakinesis, Pachytene, Zygotene and Leptotene

3. DNA replication takes place during


4. Crossing over occurs during


5. Lipids are insoluble in water as they are

 c)Zwitter ions

6. The following molecule is


7. ATP is

 a)Adenosine D-ribose triphosphate
 b)Adenosine L-ribose triphosphate
 c)Adenine D-ribose triphosphate
 d)Adenine L-ribose triphosphate

8. Water is important for the functioning of body as

 a)It releases energy
 b)Provides H+ ions
 c)Kills microorganisms
 d)It is a very good solvent

9. Sweetest sugar is


10. Key and lock hypothesis of enzyme action was given by


11. Feedback inhibition of enzyme is influenced by

 b)External factors
 c)End product

12. Which one contains four pyrimidine bases?


13. A nucleoside is formed of

 a)Pentose sugar, phosphate and nitrogen base
 b)Phosphate and nitrogen base
 c)Pentose sugar and phosphate
 d)Pentose sugar and nitrogen base

14. Enzymes are basically made of

 a)Nucleic acids

15. The protein part of enzyme is

 a)Prosthetic group

16. Bond present between two nucleotides of a polynucleotide is

 a)Covalent bond
 b)Hydrogen bond
 c)Phosphodiester bond
 d)high energy phosphate bond

17. Purine bases of DNA are

 a)A and G
 b)A and C
 c)C and T
 d)A and U

18. Proteins were named by


19. Cellulose is

 a)Hexosan polysaccharide
 b)Pentosan polysaccharide

20. Structure of DNA was given by

 c)Watson and Crick
 d)Holley and Nirenberg

21. Besides nucleus, DNA is also present in

 c)Golgi apparatus

22. A source of maximum energy is


23. Best stage to observe shape, size and number of chromosomes is


24. Chromosomes present in prolonged prophase in the salivary glands of Drosophilla are

 d)Supernumerary chromosomes

25. Secretory function of cell is carried out by

 b)Golgi apparatus

26. Enzymes associated with converting fats to carbohydrates are located in

 b)Golgi bodies

27. Cell organelle covered by a single unit membrane is

 d)All the above

28. Site for protein synthesis is


29. Nucleolus takes part in synthesis of


30. Cytoplasm of one cell is continuous with that of the adjacent cell through

 c)Endoplasmic reticulum
 d)Middle lamella

31. Polyribosomes are aggregates of

 a)Ribosomes and RNA
 b)Only RNA
 d)Several ribosomes held together by string of mRNA

32. The following are called "suicidal bags"


33. Ribosomes are centre for

 c)Protein synthesis
 d)Fat synthesis

34. Ribosomes of bacteria, mitochondria and chloroplasts are of

 a)50 S type
 b)80 S type
 c)70 S type
 d)30 S type

35. Fluid mosaic model of cell membrane was put forward by

 a)Danielli and Davson
 b)Singer and Nicolson
 c)Garner and Allard
 d)Watson and Crick

36. Chiasmata are first seen in


37. Fuelgen test is specific for


38. Electron microscope has a high resolution power. This is due to

 a)Electromagnetic lenses
 b)Very low wavelength of electron beam
 c)Low wavelength of light source used
 d)High numerical aperture of glass lenses used

39. The smallest measuring unit of cytology is


40. Nucleus was discovered by

 a)Rudolph virchow
 b)Robert Hooke
 c)Robert brown