Question Bank No: 1

1. Cholera patients are provided with saline drips as

 a)NaCl is component of blood, maintains RBCs and helps dissolve proteins
 b)Na+ is required for water extension in the body and selective transport across plasma membrane
 c)Cl is essential component of blood plasma
 d)Cl' helps form HCl in stomach

2. The suffix 'S' in ribosome unit indicates.

 b)Surface area
 d)Sedimentation coefficient

3. Molecules containing radioisotopes are employed in


4. Which one does not have cellular structure.


5. Ester linkage occurs between.

 a)Nucleic acid

6. Joining of repeating units to form a macromolecule is called.


7. Enzyme amylase belongs to.

 d)Oxido reductases

8. Which of the following is normally not present during replication of DNA

 d)DNA polymerase

9. Who gave the fluid mosaic theory

 a)Davson and dinielli
 b)Nagioli and his Co- workers
 d)Singer and Nicholson

10. Besides giving out secretary vesicles the golgi apparatus is also concerned with the formation of

 c)Grana of chloroplasts
 d)Cell plates after cell division in plants

11. Which of the following organelles containing enzymes that have digestive action.


12. Osmosis stops when.

 a)Water concentration become equal
 b)solutions become isotonic
 c)External solution is hypotonic
 d)External solution is hypertonic

13. Electron transport chain is located in

 a)Inner membrane of mitochondria
 b)Outer membrane of mitochondria
 c)Inter membrane space of mitochondria
 d)Matrix of mitochondria

14. Which is a typical example of "Feed back inhibition" .

 a)allosteric inhibition of hexokinase by glucose - 6- phosphate
 b)Reaction between succinic dehydrogenase and succinic acid
 c)Cyanide and cytochrome reaction
 d)Sulpha drugs and folic acid synthesizer bacteria

15. Co- enzyme is a

 b)Inorganic compound
 c)Trace element
 d)A Vitamin that acts with an enzyme

16. A few organisms are known to grow and multiply at temperature of 1000 - 1080 C. They belong to.

 a)Thermophilic sub areal fungi
 b)Marine archeobacteria
 c)Thermophilic sulphur bacteria
 d)Hot- spring blue green algae (cyanobacteria)

17. Molybdenum is a component of the enzyme.

 b)Nitrate reductase

18. Anticodon occurs in

 a)m RNA
 b)t RNA
 c)r RNA

19. Functional protein is


20. Which of the following is the smallest amino acid.


21. The amino acid which gives rise to thyroxine is


22. Carrier proteins are involved in

 a)water evaporation
 b)water transport
 c)Active transport of ions
 d)Passive transport of ions

23. A cell increases in volume when placed in a solution which is.

 b)slightly hypertonic
 d)extremely hypertonic

24. A criterion that distinguishes an eukaryotic from a prokaryotic cell is the presence of.

 a)cell wall
 d)Membrane bound organelles

25. Polytene or giant chromosomes are found in.

 a)Salivary glands of woman
 b)Salivary glands of cockroach
 c)Salivary glands of Neries
 d)Salivary glands of Drosophila

26. The theory beliving that life comes from other planets is called.

 a)Abiogenesis theory
 b)Biogenesis theory
 c)Chemical theory
 d)Cosmozoic theory

27. In the Miller and Urey experiment on origin of life, the dark red product collected in 'U' tube was mainly.

 a)Amino acids

28. Prasites show.

 a)Progressive evolution
 c)Retrogressive evolution

29. The era dubbed as 'Age of prokaryotic Microbes' is .


30. For maintenance of life.

 a)Energy is consumer
 b)Energy is released
 c)Energy is neither consumed nor released
 d)energy is stored

31. Which one of these correctly represent the flow of genetic information.

 a)RNA DNA Protein
 b)Protein DNA RNA
 c)RNA Protein DNA
 d)DNA RNA Protein

32. The evolution of which molecule set the stage for the evolution of autotrophs.


33. An increase in entropy will lead to.

 a)Growth in an organism
 b)Death of an organism
 c)Reproduction in an organism
 d)A decline in metabolism

34. The primitive atmosphere of earth was

 c)Reducing as well as oxidizing
 d)Neither reducing nor oxidizing

35. Which one of these body building material.

 c)Mineral salts

36. Chiasma formation occurs in


37. The first organisms were


38. Choose the correct sequence during formation of chemicals on early earth.

 a)Ammonia, Proteins, Carbohydrates, Nucleic acid
 b)Ammonia, Nucleic acid, Proteins, carbohydrates
 c)Ammonia, Water, Nucleic acid, Proteins
 d)Proteins, Carbohydrates, water, Nucleic acid

39. Presence of NaCl in body fluid indicates that life originated in

 a)Primitive ocean
 b)Rain water lakes
 c)Salt solution
 d)Rocky land

40. AIDS virus contains

 a)DNA Only
 b)RNA Only
 c)DNA + proteins
 d)RNA + protein

41. A technique other than microscopy which can be used in study of cell is

 c)Auto radiography

42. Simple one celled organisms some what similar to cyanobacteria were present on earth about million years


43. Choose the correct enzyme- substrate, pair,

 a)Rennin - Casein
 b)Protein - amylase
 c)Carbohydrate - lipase
 d)Lactose - Maltose

44. Enzyme exist in the cell as


45. The enzyme concerned with transfer of electron is


46. Synthesis of DNA is known as

 d)Reverse transcription

47. Ribosomal RNA is produced mainly in


48. A cell organelle exceptionally rich in hydrolytic enzyme is


49. The most significant event is chemical evolution was origin of


50. Under certain condition, scientists have got cell like structures but without its true organization. It is
