Question Bank No: 3

1. A monocot plant with reticulate venation is


2. Main area of starch synthesis is

 a)Palisade parenchyma
 b)Spongy parenchyma
 c)Guard cells
 d)Bundle sheath cells

3. Velamen is found in hanging roots of epiphytes from

 a)Outer side of epidermis
 b)In the epidermis
 c)Below endodermis
 d)Outside exodermis

4. Classification of meristem into protoderm, procambium and ground meristem is by


5. Pith of stem is derived from

 a)Rib meristem
 d)Ground meristem

6. Pappus is a modified


7. Quantity of phloem is doubled

 a)Collateral Vbs
 b)Concentric Vbs
 c)Bicollateral Vbs
 d)Conjoint Vbs

8. Pericycle is absent in the roots of

 a)Parasitic plat

9. Cotton fibre is

 a)Papus hair
 b)Collenchyma cells
 d)Epidermal out growth

10. The layer of parenchyma surrounding a vascular bundle is called

 a)Bundle sheath
 b)Bundle parenchyma
 c)Bundle fibres

11. Which of the following is the anticoagulant used in blood cell counting,

 a)Acetic acid

12. The gland which is exocrine and endocrine is


13. Thalidomide, a non barbiturate sedative drug given to pregnant women was withdrawn in 1961 because it resulted in phocomalia or

 a)erythroblastosis foetalis
 b)poor dupt of foetus
 c)Early abortion
 d)Malformation of foetus

14. Substances produced after viral infection in the body are,

 a)Gamma globulins

15. Inflammatory response in allergy is caused by the release of one of the following mast cells.


16. Active immunity is produced

 a)by taking injection of antibodies
 b)After bacterial infection
 c) By taking medicine
 d)After suffering from disease

17. Ageing characterized by,

 a)Increased catabolism
 b)Decline in metabolic activity
 c)Increased anabolism
 d)Increased metabolism

18. From which layer of the embryo do the liver and pancreas develop.

 d)Both a and b

19. Formation of sperms takes place in testes. Sperms are temporarily stored in

 a)Seminal vesiales
 d)Distal part of testes

20. Progesterone production falls during


21. In human eye, colour perception is done by,

 a)Rod cells only
 b)Both rod and cone cells
 c)Choroid layer of cells
 d)Cone cells only

22. Function of parasymphathetic nervous system are,

 a)To increase blood pressure
 b)To decrease heart beat, increase secretion of saliva and stimulation of insulin secretion
 c)Increase tear secretion and relaxation of anal sphincter
 d)To increase blood pressure and increase tear secretion

23. The part of the nephron impermeable to water is

 a)Proximal tubule
 b)Distal tubule
 c)Collecting duct
 d)Ascending limb of Henle's loop

24. As ageing progresses in a person, baldness is caused by,

 a)Decrease in blood circulation
 b)Protein deficiency
 c)Increase in blood circulation
 d)Carbohydrate deficiency

25. Which of the following is agranulocyte


26. What is the function of goblet cells

 a)Production of enzyme
 b)Production of mucin
 c)Production of hormone
 d)Production of HCl

27. In which organism enzymes are absent


28. Nutritionally essential amino acid for human


29. Lining of Larynx is made of

 a)Ciliated epithelium
 b)Psuedostratified epithelium
 c)Columnar epithelium
 d)Stratified squamous epithelium

30. The animal used to explain industrial melanism is

 d)Peppered moth

31. Darwin's finches found on Galapagos island is an example of organic evolution for


32. Bandipur in Karnataka state is the site of

 a)The tiger project
 b)The deer project
 c)The peacock project
 d)The elephant project

33. Silent Valley of Kerala is preserved because

 a)It contains timber trees
 b)It harbours lions
 c)It harbours elephants
 d)It contains rare Animals and plants

34. Whale is air breather but can live under water for a long time, because of

 a)Small lungs
 b)Large lungs

35. Birds are


36. Antivenom injection for snake bite are prepared at

 a)I.A.R.I. New Delhi
 b)NDRI Lucknow
 c)NDRI Karnal
 d)Haffkine's Research Institute Bombay

37. In which of the following organs, the ciliary muscles are found in

 a)Mammalian heart
 b)Mammalian diaphragm
 c)Ciliated epithelium
 d)Vertebrate eye

38. What is the function of Aristotel's lantern

 a)Producing biolumniscence
 b)Mastication of food
 d)Filter feeding

39. Cuttle fish belongs to the group


40. Mosquitoes are known to be developing resistance to

 a)Antimalarial drugs such a quinine
 b)Antibiotic such as penicillin
 c)insecticides such as DDT
 d)Mosquito repellent creams

41. The main function of circulatory system of cockroach is

 a)O2 Transferring
 b)Nutrient transferring
 c)Enzyme transferring
 d)excretory product transferring

42. A common feature of trachea of insects and that of mammals, is that boths

 a)Have non collapsible walls
 b)Are ectodermal in origin
 c)Are endodermal in origin
 d)Have cartilaginous rings

43. Saliva of Leech contains an anticoagulant known as


44. The embryonated egg of Ascaris represents

 a)An egg with an egg
 b)An egg with gastrula
 c)An egg with blastula
 d)An egg with a juvenile

45. Which is the secondary host of Fasciola


46. Which of the following shows a trimorphic colony


47. Sponges differ from other multicellular animals because they

 a)Can only reproduce asexually
 b)Have complex body plans
 c)Do not reproduce sexually
 d)Lack organs and tissues

48. Enzyme inhibition caused by a product of enzyme catalyzed reaction is

 a)Competitive inhibition
 b)Non-competitive inhibition
 c)Feed back inhibition
 d)Metabolic antagonism

49. Coacervates belong to category of

 c)Molecular aggregates
 d)Molecular aggregates surrounded by Lipid membrane

50. In unicellular organisms, the cell has to be sufficiently large because it has to

 a)Absorb nutrients from outside
 b)Accommodate numerous cell organells
 c)To occupy greater space
 d)To engulf smaller organisms