Question Bank No: 8

1. The person with Turner's syndrome has

 a)44 Autosomes and XXY sex chromosomes
 b)44 Autosomes and XO sex chromosomes
 c)44 Autosomes and XYY sex chromosomes
 d)44 Autosomes and XXX sex chromosomes

2. Which of the following cations is required for the conversion of prothrembin in to active thrombin by thromboplastin.


3. In the Nerve cells, the reversal of the resting potential is known as depolarization. This occurs due to

 a)influx of Na+
 b)Influx of K+
 c)Influx of Ca2+ and Cl
 d)Efflux of Na+

4. The fats absorbed from the gut are transported to the blood in the form of


5. Which of the following is multinucleated

 a)Non- Striated muscle
 b)Renal tissue
 c)Nervous tissue
 d)Striated muscle

6. Intermediate lobe of pituitary glands secretes hormone called

 a)Antidiuretic hormone
 b)Melanocyte stimulating hormone
 c)Thyroid stimulating hormone
 d)Adrenocorticotrophic hormone

7. Memory centre, is located in this region of human brain

 a)Temporal lobe
 b)Frontal lobe
 c)Parietal lobe
 d)Occipital lobe

8. A rise in blood cholesterol may lead to a deposition of cholesterol on the wall of blood vessels. This causes the arteries to lose their elasticity and get stiffened . This is called.

 d)Systolic pressure

9. Collagen and elastin are synthesized by

 c)Mast cells

10. The Principal action of enteropeptidase is only to activate ..... of the pancreatic juice.

 a)Amino peptidase

11. Vitamin commonly called as 'erythrocytematuration factor' is

 a)Vit. A
 b)Vit B1
 c)Vit C
 d)Vit B12

12. Sphaerosomes found in lipid storing cell originate from


13. Plastids that store starch are called


14. A plant pigment analogous to haemoglobin is seen in

 a)leaf base of pea
 b)Seeds of legume
 d)Root modules of legumes

15. Buoyancy of Azolla pinnata is because of

 a)Fibrous root
 b)Seminal root
 d)Symbiotic association

16. The mRNA transcripts for AAGCCA TGT will be


17. A parasitic green alga in the following is


18. Organisms commonly called "Jewels of the plant kingdom" are


19. The chemical used in protoplast fusion in somatic hybridization is


20. Root- knot of Brinjal is caused by


21. The bending of hairs of venusfly trap over insect is


22. Plant hormone involved in mobilization of food materials in germinating seeds is


23. The type of flowers characteristic of monocot is


24. Suckers are

 a)Aerial stem modification
 b)Sub aerial stem modification
 c)root modification
 d)Leaf modification

25. Gynobasic style is the characterstic feature of the family


26. A plant with both male and female flowers are called.


27. Perianth of poaceae is called.


28. The stem is jointed with solid nodes and hollow internodes are called


29. Vegetative propagation by leaves occur in

 c)Wood sorrel

30. Plant which live in saline habitat is


31. The type of fruit in Jack fruit is


32. Largest fruit is seen in the plant


33. Which of the following cell organelle is involved in mechanical suppot, protein synthesis and enzyme transport

 b)E R

34. Spindle fibres of mitotic cells are made of


35. Type of wood formed during spring season is

 a)Autumn wood
 b)Late wood
 c)Early wood
 d)Sap wood

36. Histogen theory was proposed by


37. Stele without pith at the centre is called


38. Smallest pteridophyte is


39. The technique by which amount of DNA, RNA and protein can be known at a time is called

 a)Auto radiography
 b)Tissue culture
 c)Cellular fractioning
 d)Phase contrast microscopy

40. The recombinant product used in the treatment of pathogenic viral infection is


41. Conversion of Pyruvic acid to Acetyl -Co A takes place during respiration in

 b)Mitochondrial matrix
 c)Outer mitochondrial membrane
 d)Inner mitochondrial layer

42. Which of the following is called "Chemical weed"


43. In floating respiration substrate will be

 c)Organic acid

44. If a flower has tetradynamous stamens and bicarpellary syncarpous cuperior ovary with a parictal type of placentation, the number of locules may be


45. The ratio of energy in biomass production, between two trophic levels reveals

 a)Ecological efficiency
 b)Photosyntehtic efficiency
 c)Net production efficiency
 d)Assimilatory efficiency

46. The chemical which is found rich in the plant Dunaniella is


47. In the marine ecosystem the most important limiting nutrient factor is


48. A set of population connected by dispersing individual is called.

 a)Expanding population
 b)Stable population
 c)Meta population
 d)Declining population

49. The idea that "Plants purify the air" first came from

 b)Van Niel
 c)Ingen house

50. Lecithin is

 a)Amino acid