Question Bank No: 2

1. Keystone species are

 a)Species belonging to same period
 b)Species that determine structure of biotic community
 c)Species reproducing sexually
 d)Species recorded only in the fossil state

2. Binominal nomenclature consists of two words

 a)Genus and species
 b)Order and family
 c)Family and genus
 d)Species and variety

3. Sequence of taxonomic categories is

 a)Class - Phylum - Tribe - Order - Family - Genus - Species
 b)Division - Class - Family - Tribe - Order - Genus - Species
 c)Division - Class - Order - Family - Tribe - Genus - Species
 d)Phylum - Order - Class - Tribe - Family - Genus - Species

4. Binomial nomenclature was introduced by

 a)De Vries
 b)Carolus Linnaeus
 d)John Ray

5. Basic unit or smallest taxon of taxonomy/classification is


6. Pneumatic bones occur in


7. Sound box of birds is called


8. Gambusia is

 a)Parasitic fish
 b)Pest of fishes
 c)Fish predator of mosquito larvae
 d)A mosquito speading yellow fever

9. Male and female cockroaches can be distinguished externally through

 a)Anal styles in males
 b)Anal cerci in female
 c)Anal style and antennae in females
 d)Both b and c

10. Mouth parts of cockroach are of

 a)Piercing and sucking
 b)Sucking and siphoning
 c)Cutting and biting type
 d)Sucking and rapping

11. Basic unit in the eye of cockroach/insect is

 c)Corneal facet

12. The animal which does not show any metamorphosis or larval stage is

 a)Pheretima posthuma
 c)Musca olomestica

13. Typhlosole of Earthworm is a device for

 a)Extra secretion of digestive enzymes
 b)Increasing absorptive area
 c)Slowing down passage of food
 d)Crushing of food

14. Coelom filled with muscular and connective tissues or botryoidal tissue occurs in


15. Flame cells are main encretory structures of


16. The encretory structures of flatworms/Talnia are

 a)Flame cells
 c)Malpighian tubules
 d)Green glands

17. In cycas, pollination is by

 d)Both A and B

18. Prothallus (gametophyte) gives rise to fern plant (sporophyte) with out fertilization. It is


19. Formation of gametophyte directly from sporophyte is


20. Pteridophytes differ from mosses/bryophytes in possessing

 a)Independent gametophyte
 b)Well developed vascular system
 d)Flagellate spermatozoids

21. The plant group that produces spores and embryo but lacksvascular tissues and seeds is


22. Science of algae is


23. Infective stage of Entamoeba histolytica is

 c)Uninucleate cyst
 d)Tetranucleate cyst

24. The infective state of malasial parasite plasmodium that enters human body is

 d)Minuta form

25. The casual organism for African sleeping sickness is

 a)Trypanosoma Eruzi

26. Schizont stage in life cycle of malarial parasite occurs in

 a)Erythrocytes of man
 b)stomach of Anopheles
 c)Blood of man
 d)Salivary glands of Anopheles

27. Food poisoning is due to

 a)Clostridium botulinum
 b)Salmonella typhi
 c)Escherichia coli
 d)Bacillus megatherium

28. Caulimo (cauliflower mosaic) viruses have

 a)Double stranded DNA
 b)Single stranded DNA
 c)Single stranded RNA
 d)Double stranded RNA

29. Tobacco mosaic virus was crystallised for the first time by

 a)Edward Jenner
 b)Louis Pasteur
 c)Andre Lwoff
 d)W.N. Stanley

30. Coliphage φ×174 contains

 a)Single stranded RNA
 b)Double stranded RNA
 c)Single stranded DNA
 d)Double stranded DNA