Question Bank No: 2

1. Which of the following compounds exhibits linkage isomerism ?

 b)[Co(NH3)6] [Cr(en)3]

2. The primary valency of iron inK4[Fe(CN)6] is


3. Which of the following will exhibit maximum ionic conductivity ?


4. Which of the following organometallic compound is σ and π - bonded?


5. For the square planar complex[M(a) (b)(c)(d)] (where M= central metal and a,b,c, and d are monodentate ligands), the number of possible geometrical isomers are


6. According to the postulates of Werner for coordination compounds

 a)Primary valency is ionizable
 b)Secondary valency is ionizable
 c)Primary and Secondary valencies are nonionizable
 d)Only Primary valency is nonionizable

7. Chemical formula for iron (111) hexacyanoferrate (11) is


8. Which is paramagnetic ?


9. Which of the following has square planar structure ?

 d)All of these

10. Which of the following is add one out

 a)Potassium ferricyanide
 b)ferrous ammonium sulphate
 c)Potassium ferrocyanide
 d)tetraamminecopper (11) sulphate

11. Which of the following complex will show geometrical as well as optical isomerism ? (en = ethylenediamine)


12. [Co(NH3)4Cl2]No2 and [Co(NH3)4ClNo2]Cl exhibit which type of isomerism


13. AgCl dissolves in NH4OH due to the formatin of


14. Ligand in a complex salt are

 a)anions linked by coordinate bonds to a central metal atom or ion
 b)cations linked by coordinate bonds to a central metal or ion
 c)molecules linked by coordinate bonds to a central metal or ion
 d)ions or molecules linked by coordinate bonds to a central atom or ion

15. The IUPAC name of tert-butyl chloride is

 c)1- Chloro-3-methylpropane

16. The IUPAC name of CH3OC2H5 is

 a)methyl ethyl ether
 b)ehtyl methyl ether

17. The IUPAC name of the compund CH3CHCH3|CHCH2||CH2CH3 is

 a)2-Ethyl -3-methylbut-1-ene