Question Bank No: 1

1. In the formation of nitric acid, N2 and O2 are made to combine. Thus N2+O2 2NOHeat Which of the following condition will favour the formation of NO?

 a)low temperature
 b)high temperature
 c)freezing point
 d)all are favourable

2. According to Le-Chatelier's principle, adding heat to a solid and liquid in equilibrium will cause the

 a)amount of solid to decrease
 b)amount of liquid to decrease
 c)temperature to rise
 d)temperature to fall

3. When pressure is applied to the equilibrium system Ice water which of the following phenomenon will happen?

 a)more ice will be formed
 b)water will evaporate
 c)more water will be formed
 d)equilibrium will not be formed

4. The equilibrium constant in a reversible chemical reaction at a given temperature

 a)depends on the initial concentration of the reactants
 b)depends on the concentration of one of the products at equilibrium
 c)does not depend on the initial concentrations of reaction
 d)is not characteristic of the reaction

5K1 and K2 are equilibrium constant for reacrions (1) and (2)
N2(g)+O2(g) 2NO (g) --------------------(1)
NO (g) 12N2(g)+12O2(g)---------------(2) then,


6. In which case Kp is less than Kc,

 b)H2+Cl2 2HCl
 d)all of above

7. In which of the following homolytic bond fission takes place?

 a)alkaline hydrolysis of ethyl chloride
 b)addition of HBr to double bond
 c)Photochlorination of methane
 d)Nitration of benzene

8. Among the following alkenes; 1ButeneI; cis2ButeneII; trans2ButeneIII the decreasing order of stabilityy is

 a)III > II > I
 b)III > I > II
 c)I > II > III
 d)II > I > III

9. Point out the incorrect statement about resonance?

 a)resonance structures should have equal energy
 b)In resonance structures, the constituent atoms must be in the same position
 c)In resonance structures, there should not be same number of electron pairs
 d)Resonance structures should differ only in the loaction of electrons around the constituent atoms

10. In which of the following, resonance will be possible?


11. The order of decreasing stability of the carbonions (CH3)3C(I);(CH3)2CH(II)CH3CH2(111);C6H5CH2(IV)

 a)I > II > III > IV
 b)IV > III > II > I
 c)IV > I > II > III
 d)I > II > IV > III

12. Which of the following is not a nucleophile?


13. Which of the following is the most stable carbocation (carbonium ion) ?


14. Homolytic fission of CC bond in ethane gives an intermediate in which carbon is


15. The reaction CH3CH2Br+OHCH3CH2OH+Br is an example of

 a)electrophilic addition
 b)electrophillic substitution
 c)nucleophilic addition
 d)nucleophilic substitution

16. The metal that dissolves in liquid ammonia, giving a dark blue coloured solution is


17. Lithium shows diagonal relationship with


18. Which of the following imparts violet colouration to the Bunsen burner nonluminious flame?


19. Sodium chloride imparts golden yellow colour to the Bunsen flame. This can be interpreted due to

 a)low ionisation potential of sodium
 b)photosensitivity of sodium
 c)sublimation of metallic sodium to give yellow vapour
 d)emission of energy absorbed as a radiation in the ultraviolet region

20. In Solvay ammonia process, sodium bicarbonate is precipitated due to

 a)presence of NH3
 b)reaction with CO2
 c)reaction with brine solution
 d)reaction with NaOH

21. The chloride of an element A gives a neutral solution in water. In the periodic table, the element A belongs to

 a)first group
 b)third group
 c)fifth group
 d)first transition series

22. Which of the most basic of the following ?


23. Molten sodium chloride conducts electricity due to the presence of

 a)free electrons
 b)free ions
 c)free molecules
 d)atoms of sodium and chlorine

24. Washing soda has formula


25. Strongest bond is between

 c)Both (A) and (B)
 d)none of these

26. Which of the following acts as both reducing and oxidising agents?


27. The process used for the removal of hardness of water is


28. The alum used for purifying water is

 a)ferric alum
 b)chrome alum
 c)potash alum
 d)ammonium alum

29. What is heavy water?


30. Hydrogen accepts an electron to form inert gas configuration. In this it resembles

 b)alkali metals
 d)alkaline earth metals

31. The property of hydrogen which distinguishes it from alkali metals is

 a)its electropositive character
 b)its affinity for non metal
 c)its reducinng character
 d)its non-metallic character

32. Hydrogen behaves as an oxidising agent in its reaction with


33. Calgon used as water softener is


34. If an isotope of hydrogen has two neutrons in its atom, its atomic number and mass number will respectively be

 a)2 and 1
 b)3 and 1
 c)1 and 1
 d)1 and 3

35. Which of the following compunds does not show Lassaigne's test for nitrogen?


36. The latest technique used for purification of organic compound is

 b)Vacuum distillation
 c)Fractional distillation

37. The equivalent weight of an acid is equal to

 a)molecular weight ×acidity
 b)molecular weight ×basicity
 c)molecular weight /basicity
 d)molecular weight /acidity

38. In Kjeldahl's method, the nitrogen presence is estimated as


39. Empirical formula of a hydrocarbon containing 80% carbon and 20% hydrogen is


40. Which one of the following is not used for the purification of solid impurities?

 d)none of these

41. Duma's method involves the determination of content of nitrogen in the organic compound in the form of

 a)Gaseous NH3
 b)Gaseous N2

42. Absolute alcohol is prepared by

 a)fractional distillation
 b)kolbe's method
 c)azeotropic distillation
 d)vacuum distillation

43. Anthracene is purified by


44. The structural formula of 2-methyl-2-butene is


45. The structure formula of cyclohexyl alcohol is

 d)none of these

46. Which of the following metal oxides is antiferromagnetic in nature ?


47. Due to the Frankel defect, the density of ionic solids

 c)does not change

48. The three dimensional lattice of zeolites consists of


49. In a hexagonal close packed (hcp) structure of spheres, the fraction of the volume occupied by the sphere is A. In a cubic close packed structure, the fraction is B. The relation for A and B is

 a)A = B
 b)A < B
 c)A > B
 d)A is equal to the fraction in a simple cubic lattice

50. The ratio of close packed atoms to tetrahedral holes in cubic close packing is

 a)1 : 1
 b)1 : 2
 c)1 : 3
 d)2 : 1