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Kalai Kiviri College of Fine Arts

18, Benwells Road , Tiruchirappalli - 620001
District: Tiruchirappalli (Trichy) (Tamil Nadu)
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Courses Offered by Kalai Kiviri College of Fine Arts

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The premier institution Kalai Kaviri College of Fine Arts, belongs to the Catholic Diocese of Tiruchirappalli, Tamilnadu, India, hails from her parent institution Kalai Kaviri, and is the culmination of the vision and dream of her Founder Rev.Msg.S.M.George, a visionary and pioneer in promoting fine arts, realizing academic excellence for Indian traditional Gurukula art forms to the level of Ph.D. programme. This is a matchless march in the Indian cultural promotion.
Established on 10th August, 1996
Recognised of the Govt. of Tamil Nadu, for teaching Dance and Music of South Indian Classical
Nationally accredited with ‘A’ Grade by NAAC

0431 - 2460678, 2412340
0431 - 2411345
View All Courses Conducted by Kalai Kiviri College of Fine Arts
 Course(s) Offered by Kalai Kiviri College of Fine Arts  in Fine Arts
BFA Dance | M.F.A. Dance | M.Phil. Music | Ph.D. Dance
1 .
For +2 Candidates : Degree Course
3 years
2 .
BPA / BFA / B.A. Degree in Bharathanatyam or Music
2 Years
3 .
Candidates should possess master’s Degree in music with not less than 55% of marks.
1 Year
Medium of Instruction
Tamil and English
4 .
Candidates who possess Master's Degree with not less than 55% of marks are eligible to apply as Full-Time (three years)/ Part-Time (four years). There shall be four sessions of registration, in January, April, July and October.
Other Details
The Department of Dance and Music offer Ph.D.Programmes (Full-Time & Part-Time) recognized by the Bharathidasan University , Tiruchirappalli. This is the first and the only college in the Southern Region that offers Ph.D. Programme in Dance.