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Sri Sairam Medical College

Sai Leo Nagar, Poonthandalam , West Tambaram - 600044
District: Chennai (Tamil Nadu)
Contact Institute
Established      :    2001
Affiliated to     :    Tamil Nadu Dr. MGR Medical University
Approved By    :    -

Courses Offered by Sri Sairam Medical College

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Placement Records

Sri Sairam Medical Institutions for Siddha, Chennai were established in the year 2001 by MJF. Ln. Leo Muthu, Chairman, Sairam Group of Institutions. These are non-profitable and non-minority institutions. Sri Sairam Medical Colleges are functioning at Sai Leo Nagar in a sprawling campus spread over 200 acres located very close to Kishkinta Theme Park. The college buildings are architecturally designed and built as per the CCIM / CCH norms and are affiliated to the Tamil Nadu Dr. MGR Medical University, Chennai and approved by the CCIM / CCH / AYUSH for Indian System of Medicine, New Delhi. The institutions are developing into reputed medical institutions imparting top quality medical education and preparing the young generation of students with the spirit of service to society.

044-22512050, 32507771, 22512010
044 - 22512121
View All Courses Conducted by Sri Sairam Medical College
 Course(s) Offered by Sri Sairam Medical College  in Siddha
Bachelor of Siddha Medicine and Surgery (BSMS)
1 .
A pass in the H S E / the Indian School Certificate examination /equivalent to 10+2 with Physics, Chemistry and Biology. The candidate should have studied in Tamil medium up to 10th /HSE/studied Tamil as a subject up to 10th
4'/2 years and 1 year Compulsory Rotatory Resident Internship (CRRI)
Admission Procedure
Common entrance test conducted by the respective State Governments