CUTS International (Consumer Unity & Trust Society) began its journey in 1983 in Rajasthan, from a rural development communication initiative, a wall newspaper Gram Gadar (Village Revolution). This monthly wall newspaper is published regularly and has been instrumental in providing a forum for the oppressed classes to get justice. On seeing Gram Gadar, Rubens Ricupero, Secretary-General of UNCTAD (1995-2004) observed: “It confirmed my view that often the simple lack of awareness lies at the root of so much misery.CIRC is a Research based Capacity Building organisation which primary works in the area of Competition Policy and Law and Economic Regulations. CIRC offers with National Law University,Delhi Certificate and Diploma Course on Competition Policy and Law.Besides CIRC offers Online Courses seprately on Competition Act-2002 in India and Law and Practice of Public-Private Partnership (PPP)