Rangachahi College, Jorhat
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Rangachahi College P.O. , Jorhat (Jorhat Dist.) - 785104
It is on November 06, 1983, a "Red-Letter-Day" of greater Rangachahi area in the history of higher ...
Nakachari Colege, Jorhat
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P.O. Nakachari , Jorhat (Jorhat Dist.) - 785682
Established with effort of a few local educationists and the public support in 1988, Nakachari ...
Cinnamara College, Jorhat
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Kavyakshetra, Cinnamara , Jorhat (Jorhat Dist.) - 785008
CINNAMARA COLLEGE was established on 1st June in 1991 at the centre of three mouzas Katoni, Garamur ...
Borholla College, Jorhat
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Borholla PO , Jorhat (Jorhat Dist.) - 785631
The college is a purely degree college and affiliated to Dibrugarh University. It is a premier ...
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