Madhabdev College, Lakhimpur
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PO: Dikrong , Lakhimpur (Lakhimpur Dist.) - 784164
Madhabdev College is a premier institution of higher education in the district of Lakhimpur Assam. ...
Laluk College, Lakhimpur
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P.O.:- Laluk , Lakhimpur (Lakhimpur Dist.) - 784160
Laluk College was established in 1985 which was a public endeavour in a view to accelerating the ...
LTK College, North Lakhimpur
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P.O. Azad , North Lakhimpur (Lakhimpur Dist.) - 787031
L.T.K.College was established on the 22nd day of Aug.1977 at the initiative of the local people at ...
Kherajkhat College, Lakhimpur
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Vill - Deotola, PO - Bhogpur , Lakhimpur (Lakhimpur Dist.) - 787033
Kherajkhat College is a leading institution of Higher Education in the District of Lakhimpur, ...
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