Miraj Mahavidyalaya, Miraj
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705/A/1, Budhgaokar Mala, Near Govt.Milk Dairy, Miraj , Miraj (Sangli Dist.)
Recognizing the expansion of the education in modern world and the growing need of students from ...
Balwant College, Vita
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A/p- Vita, Tal- Khanapur , Vita (Sangli Dist.) - 415311
The Rayat Shikshan Sanstha along with the people's co-operation started Balwant College in 1963 ...
Willingdon College, Sangli
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Willingdon College, Vishrambag , Sangli , Sangli (Sangli Dist.) - 416415
Willingdon College, Sangli is established in the year 1919. Ours is a oldest and reputed, ...
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