NIMS Dental College, Jaipur
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NIMS University, Shobha Nagar, Delhi Highway , Jaipur (Jaipur Dist.) - 303121
NIMS Dental College tops the universities of Rajasthan in terms of their academic performance. The ...
Jodhpur Dental College, Jodhpur
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General Hospital Village, Narnadi , Jhanwar Road, Boranada , Jodhpur (Jodhpur Dist.) - 342002
Jodhpur Dental College General Hospital ( Approved by DCI : Dental Council of India ) First ...
Jaipur Dental College, Jaipur
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Dhand,Tehsil - Amer, Jaipur - Delhi N.H.-8 , Jaipur (Jaipur Dist.) - 302028
Jaipur Dental College, Jaipur was established in 2000 under Maharaj Vinayal Society, to impart high ...