National Aptitude Test (NAT) 2013 |
National Aptitude Test (NAT) is a Common Entrance-cum-Aptitude Test administrated under the aegis of Society for Research & Development in Education (SRDE), Delhi. The test is conducted for students for both at the Under Graduate (NAT-UG) and the Post Graduate (NAT-PG) level for gaining admission into various Management and Allied programmes at the UG (BBA, BCA, BFT, B.Com, BMC etc.) and PG (MBA, MCA, M.Com, MFT, MMC, MIB, PGDCA, PGDBM, PGDBA etc) levels.. Eligibility : For NAT-PG (Post Graduate): Graduates/candidates who have appeared / are going to appear in the final year of the graduate degrees courses of recognized Universities in last past session / current session respectively are eligible to apply for NAT-PG. Click here
for the list of participating Insitutes The NAT-UG and NAT-PG for NAT 2013 Bulletin-cum- Registration-form can be obtained by : b)The NAT-UG and NAT-PG 2013 Bulletin-cum- Registration-form were available on cash payment of Rs. 650 from :(1) Syndicate Bank Branches : Click here for Branch List - (disabled)(2) NAT 2011 forms are also available from the following Additional forms Sales Outlets:Click here -(disabled)(3) SAHEI Delhi office : A-1/4, Sector-8, Rohini, Delhi- 110 085 Ph.Nos: 09311305289 c) The form can also be downloaded from here (Click here for SIDE 1) - (Click here for SIDE 2) -(disabled) and sent to SAHEI with two passport photographs along with a demand draft for Rs.750/- drawn in favour of "SRDE's Association of Higher Education Institutions (SAHEI)" payable at New Delhi to :SRDE-SAHEI, A-1/4, Sector-8, Rohini, Delhi – 110 085 (India) Phone: 011-27945852, 27940245. In case you are unable to download the form due to any reasons; you may send the demand draft of Rs. 750/- with an application citing your address and contact nos; on receipt of which the NAT bulletin and form shall be despatched to you immediately on the address quoted on the application. The NAT form with Side-1 and Side-2 should be sent immediately so as to reach the above address latest by 30th April 2013. SAHEI will not be responsible for any postal delay or non-receipt of Bulletin and the application form by the last date. Test Centers & Code
(SAHEI reserves the right to add/cancel/ combine or change any test centre at its own discretion due to administrative or any unforeseen reasons. ) More Details can be available from the institute website. |
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