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Shape your career through University of Essex postgraduate programmes in Sports and Exercise Psychology and Sports and Exercise Science

New Delhi [India] Published : May 6, 2024

University of Essex a prestigious institution ranked in the top 30 in the UK for Sports Science by The Guardian University Guide 2024, is accepting applications for October 2024 for two innovative programmes aiming to shape the future of sport and exercise - MSc in Sports and Exercise Psychology and MSc in Sports and Exercise Science.

Essex sports science students are at the heart of one of the leading universities for sport in the Eastern region with elite teams competing at the national level in volleyball and women's basketball with women's cricket joining the elite sport portfolio at Essex from 2025. Students also benefit from an exciting range of enrichment, placement, and study abroad initiatives, as well as Performance Sport Scholarships, targeted at talented athletes competing at a regional, national or international standard.

Masters students learn from internationally recognised practitioner-researchers with extensive experience in their respective fields as physiologists, S&C coaches, sport coaches, sport therapists, performance analysts and consultants. Students also link in with the Human Performance Unit (HPU) which specliaises in sports science support and physiological testing.

The MSc in Sport and Exercise Psychology is a one-year programme that delves into the intricate relationship between psychological factors and athletic performance. This programme offers a comprehensive curriculum where students will explore topics such as motivation, stress management, and performance enhancement strategies, gaining invaluable insights into the psychological dynamics that underpin success in sports and physical activity. The thriving sports science, fitness, health, and leisure sectors present numerous career opportunities for graduates of sport and exercise psychology. They can aspire to become psychologists specializing in athletes and teams, create tailored exercise programmes for diverse populations, or pursue further specialization through BPS Stage 2 training. At Essex, 92% of School of Sport, Rehabilitation, and Exercise Sciences undergraduate undergraduates are in employment or further study (Graduate Outcomes 2023).

For more information about the programme, please visit: https://www.essex.ac.uk/courses/PG01146/1/MSc-Sport-and-Exercise-Psychology

The MSc Sport and Exercise Science offers a specialized track focusing on sports nutrition, providing students with a comprehensive understanding of the biological, physiological, and nutritional aspects crucial to optimizing athletic performance. This advanced one-year degree programme equips students with both theoretical knowledge and practical skills crucial for success in the rapidly expanding sports science, fitness, and health sectors. Through cutting-edge facilities and seminar-based instruction, participants engage in hands-on learning experiences and small group discussions, fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange. Graduates of the programme are well-prepared for various career paths in sports performance, management, healthcare, teaching, and beyond.

Benefiting from strong industry connections and support from the University's Careers Services, students have access to valuable work experience opportunities, internships, and placements, ensuring a smooth transition into the workforce. For more information about the programme, please visit: https://www.essex.ac.uk/courses/PG01127/1/MSc-Sport-and-Exercise-Science

Requirements of the students for both programmes:

Applicants with a degree grade ranging from 50 to 55% or equivalent,
Also, IELTS score of 6.5 overall.
Applications for both programmes are now open and students can apply till 1 st July 2024.

About the University of Essex

The University of Essex puts student success at the centre of everything it does and is committed to two things: excellence in teaching and excellence in research.

The University puts student success at the heart of its mission, supporting every student from every background to achieve outstanding outcomes; preparing the students to thrive in their future lives.

Determined to make a difference in society, it is ranked 56th in the global Times Higher Education Impact Rankings 2023, which ranked more than 1,400 universities around the world. It was top 15 for the international outlook in the THE World University Rankings 2024 thanks to the global nature of its student and research community.

Making an impact through research is at the heart of the University. It is in the UK top 10 for research quality in four subjects.

It is number one in the UK for the number of Innovate UK-funded Knowledge Transfer Partnerships .



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