School of Business Management (OSBM), Bhubaneswar established in 2010 is a fast growing education group. OSBM is providing quality education with distance courses and general courses. OSBM offers comprehensive autonomous correspondence/regular/part time programs to train a new generation of managers, engineers, graduates and entrepreneurs to face with confidence the fluid global challenges of national/international market and get them intellectually enriched. OSBM is running different courses affiliated to MDU Rohtak University, Vinayka Mission, Punjab Technical University, Kanataka State Open University, EIILM University, CMJ University, MG University, NIILM University etc.
The main aim of OSBM is to spread education globally in the field of Medicine, Dental, Paramedical, Homoeopathy, Engineering, Management and Basic science using existing resources and technology and to achieve excellence in education and to make education as a tool for social change for the betterment of the society. OSBM conduct autonomous management and engineering programs through distance learning mode.