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Best Colleges in India

A wide assortment of courses in various fields are available for students.. getting admission in the right course and the right college is very important. Several magazines and newspapers conduct annual surveys for finding top colleges in India in various disciplines namely Engineering, Medical, Arts, Science, Commerce, Management, Law etc to guide the students. 

Here is a list of top colleges in India that are ranked by popular magazines and newspapers. The ranking of the colleges are done on the basis of various factors like :


Top Engineering Colleges in India

engEngineering- one of the most popular streams of study in India has best private and government run colleges and universities which impart courses both at under-graduate and post-graduate levels. The IITs continue to rule the field of engineering, thereby providing the country with top class technology professionals. Apart from the IITs, there are several other engineering colleges which gives students the opportunity to select from a good range of engineering disciplines, be it Civil, Mechanical, Computer, Electronics, Electrical, Biochemical or Chemical.

Top Engineering Colleges


Top Medical Colleges in India

mediMedical Colleges - the educational institutions providing medical education vary from stand-alone colleges. The quality and standard of medical colleges are controlled by the central regulatory authority, the Medical Council of India, which inspects the institutes from time to time and recognises institutes for specific courses. These colleges are offering various courses in the field of medical science, both at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. It is important for every student to choose the best college that would strengthen and give an edge to the career of the student.

Top Medical Colleges


Top Law Colleges in India

lawLaw is an important and reputed educational stream and India has some of the world best law colleges. The initial step towards giving an edge to a legal career is the selection of the right law colleges with best and well educated faculty and the college infrastructure. Admissions to law schools are based on entrance test and vary with institutions. Common Law Admission Test or CLAT is an all India basis entrance test conducted by 14 National Law Institutes/ Universities for admissions to five-year integrated under-graduate and post graduate degree programmes. Law schools have opened up a variety of career options like corporate counsel, litigation, work in law firms, social work, business and legal process outsourcing.

Top Law Colleges


Top Arts Colleges in India

artsArts stream is one of the traditional and most popular educational streams in India. The arts stream is broadly categorized into humanities, fine arts, visual arts, and performing arts. This academic stream involves the study of subjects like Literature, Ancient and Modern Languages, Geography, Political science, History, Philosophy etc. Career options and opportunities in the Arts stream is endless. With a background in Arts, one can pursue career options such as teaching, nursing, social work, law, politics, business, television, radio artist, content writing, acting, designing, singing and many more.

Top Arts Colleges


Top Science Colleges in India

scienceScience Stream of education, once relegated as the choice of study for the bravest and the brainiest has broadened its scope beyond engineering and medicine. Science education is offered at University departments and colleges, starting from Under Graduate to research level. It is mainly divided into  broad subjects namely Physics, Chemistry, Maths and Biology which are furthur categorized into various subjects like, environmental science, biological science, biotechnology, geology, biochemistry and so on. A large numbers of career options are available in science stream and most of them have great scope and demand.

Top Science Colleges


Top Commerce Colleges in India

commerceCommerce - one among the three fundamental academic streams comprises a wide range of interdisciplinary branches such as accountancy, finance, statistics, business administration, economics, marketing, e-commerce etc. While pursuing a course in the field of commerce, one acquires knowledge of business or trade, nature and fluctuations in market, basics of economics, fiscal policies, industrial policies and so on. Career prospects are ample for commerce students in fields such as CA, CS, ICWA and also in organizations that deal with finance and commerce. This stream is much in demand and cut off marks for admission in good colleges is very high.

Top Commerce Colleges


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