Why are you interested in this position? When doing your homework
prior to then interview, make sure you are able to list key point of why you
want this job.
What qualifications do you have for this position? During the preinterview
prep, you can list some of your strengths and match them with qualities that
are needed for the position.
How do you stay up to date in your field? You can state whatever
materials, websites, journals that you use in your particular field.
If there was one person you could meet, either from the past or present,
who would it be and why? Using someone who is inspiring or that you admire
in some way, a quality that you would like to develop, or any character that
you have questions for, or that has shaped your life is a good example to
What do you think of our company? What do you think about our recent
advertisement strategies? What is your favorite product that is made by us?
Know the specifics about the company, study recent advertisements that they
have and do your preinterview homework!!
What is your dream job? Have a rough idea of what you would do
if you were allowed to do anything in the world. Keep it brief and realistic.
What type of salary do you expect in this job? Know the
range of pay in your field. Also know the qualifications that are required
by the job that you are applying for and make sure you match those standards.
You can state that you expect to be ( at the low, mid, high ) range of their
pay scale depending on how your qualifications match with their needs. You
can also ask if they can give you a range of they pay scale for such a position.
What skills do you bring that other candidates may not have? This
is an ideal time to express experiences that are unique to you and no one
else. Avoid generalizations and give specifics.
What are your strengths and weaknesses? Have a list prepared. Make
sure you are able to say what your weakness are and how you are trying to
improve on them.
What are your hobbies and outside interests? Have your hobbies,
and outside interests prepare. if you answer with something like reading or
painting, be prepared to answer a favorite book or painter and why they are
your favorite.
Why have you decided to leave your current position? Be honest
in how you answer. Remember that they also may contact your references or
previous employer for additional information.
Where do you see yourself five years from now? Have a general idea
of where you would want to be in five years. During the interview- you may
also be asked how this current position will help you get there.
What experiences have you gained from your previous jobs? Pick
a few points and skills that you have obtained from your previous jobs.
Be prepared to talk about your presentations, or any papers that you have
worked on. Provide specifics and details when asked about these items.
What questions do you have about this position or firm? This is
where the list of questions that you prepared in your preinterview prep would
come in handy.
What is your technique to approaching a difficult task? Use experiences
that you had in the past as a model. Include your strengths- possibly things
like organizational skills, multitasking. If the project seems too big, or
they keep putting in barriers and difficulties in the task- never be afraid
to say that you may ask for assistance from someone more experienced.
How do you organize or prepare for major projects?
How do you manage your time daily?
How do you deal with a difficult co-worker? Explain an experience
that you have had in the past. Make sure that you can explain what the difficulties
were and how you were able to overcome those differences between you and your
How do you manage stress in your daily life? You can state what
you do to relax or be calm in a situation. You can state if you have started
up hobbies or exercise routines for such states as well.
What is an example of the most creative or innovative project that you
have worked on ?
Give me an example of your ( persuasiveness, initiative, resourcefulness,
leadership skills) When doing your preinterview preparation, write down
some points about examples that have come up in your previous jobs. This can
be kept fresh in your mind.
Tell me something about yourself
What would you do if I told you that you performed poorly during this
interview? If asked such a question, include in your answer that you
would ask the interviewer what was done wrong, that you would review yourself
where there may have been some miscommunication, and you would clarify any
doubts that you had with previous questions. Don’t let questions such as this
shake your confidence. Be calm and relaxed.