The Department of Computer Science is one of the youngest constituents units of the Faculty of Natural Sciences. It was established in the year 1999 with the objective of producing IT professionals of international standard and to primary fulfill requirements of booming IT industry and develop researchers. The Department offers three postgraduate programs including the regular programs MCA and PGDCA, and a self-financed evening program M.Sc. (Bioinformatics). In addition, it supports the execution of an undergraduate program B.Sc. in terms of teaching of Computer Science as a subject.
Computing Labs: The Department has access to university’s LAN consisting of SUN 280R, Digital Alpha, Compaq Proliant1600, ML330, ML350 servers. The LAN caters to many important computing needs of the Department such as compilers of the popular programming languages, RDBMS softwares (Oracle, SQL server) communication facility, Internet facility. Department also has a LAN connecting all the labs, the seminar room and offices.
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