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Dr. BR Ambedkar Institute of Management and Technology

Plot. no: 1-8-1, Bagh Lingampally , Hyderabad - 500 044
District: Hyderabad (Telangana)
Contact Institute
Established      :    2008
Affiliated to     :    Osmania University
Approved By    :    All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE)

Courses Offered by Dr. BR Ambedkar Institute of Management and Technology

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Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Institute of Management & Technology was established in 2008. The MBA Course offered here is approved by the All India Council of Technical Education (AICTE) & the institute is affiliated to Osmania University. They are also exposed to the dynamics of the Corporate World through Guest lectures, Conferences, Case studies, Workshops & Industry visits, apart from their regular academic routine. Every Friday, group learning activities like group presentations, group discussions, role plays, management games etc are organized for all students.

040-2767 0675
View All Courses Conducted by Dr. BR Ambedkar Institute of Management and Technology
 Course(s) Offered by Dr. BR Ambedkar Institute of Management and Technology  in Master of Business Administration (MBA)
MBA (Master of Business Administration)
1 .
For Admission under Convenor Quota:
1. Bachelor degree holder of Osmania University or a degree recognised by the university as equivalent there to with an aggregate of not less than 45% marks in Part-I and Part-Il put together (non-credit courses not included). In case of SC and ST candidates a pass in the qualifying examination is sufficient.
2. The candidate seeking admission must qualify in the I-CET examination, conducted by the appropriate authority in the year of admission as per the norms prescribed by the University.
3. Foreign studentsadmission is based on the screening process of the University.

For Admission under Management Quota: 1. Bachelor degree holder of Osmania University or a degree recognised by the university as equivalent there to with an aggregate of not less than 50% marks in Part-I and Part-Il put together (non-credit courses not included), with or without ICET.
2. The admission of Non-resident Indians and candidates admitted in lieu of them will be as per the University rules in force on the date of the admission
4 semester full time day programme - 2 Years