The College of Engineering & Technology established in 1961 was declared an Institution of National Importance under the “Institute of Technology (Amendment) Act 1963” and was renamed “Indian Institute of Technology Delhi”. It was then accorded the status of a University with powers to decide its own academic policy, to conduct its own examinations, and to award its own degrees.
Library: The Central Library houses a total collection of over three lakh documents comprising of books, theses, journals, video cassettes and compact discs in the fields of science, engineering, humanities, literature and management.
Laboratory Facilities:
The school has all facilities to carry out research in biological sciences. These include spectrophotometers,refrigerated tabletop centrifuges, ultracentrifuges, fast protein liquid chromatography (FPLC) and high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) systems, gel imaging and documentation equipment, PhosphorImager, cell culture facilities including hoods, incubators, and inverted microscope, CD machine,fluorimeter, real time PCR system for quantification of nucleic acids, ELISA washers and readers, confocal microscope for advanced cell biological studies. The new major equipment include FACS Aria III, Microarray platform comprising
of Affymetrix system Gene chip 7G, Gene chip Scanner 3000 7G, Gene chip Fluidics Station, Gene chip
Hybridization Oven, Real time PCR system (MX3000P), Lab chip GX, Zephyr genomics workstation and
Cryo-EM system. In addition to all these, the school has the complete Discovery Accelyrs software with
licences for teaching and research. It has inter- and intra-net and dedicated access to the super computing computing facility of IIT Delhi.
Hostel Facility
There are 13 hostels (11 for boys and 2 for girls). There are also apartments for married students. Each Hostel in the Institute is self-contained with amenities such as a reading room, an indoor games room, a lounge and a dining hall with mess.
Scholarship Facility
Scholarships Available
Placement Service Available