The institution aims at building good character traits in the students, such as honesty, integrity, discipline and punctuality. The atmosphere here is charged with dedication, commitment and sincerity in moulding the students to become best citizens. While the students, with blooming faces, uniformly dressed, add lustre to their innate eagerness to learning which is the backbone of our academic glory.
library :There are number of good books on science, Atrs , Commerce literature and languages in the college library. New additions are being made every year.
The college is fully equipped with laboratories.
medical inspection: Every student on the rolls of the college, according to the university rules must present herself for medical inspection before the medical officer appointed by the college. The medical inspection of the students will be held in the premises of the college once or twice in each academic year.
Hostel Facility
Hostel Facilities Available
Scholarship Facility
Scholarships Provides