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AIMS Institute of Higher Education

1st cross, 1st stage, Peenya , Bangalore - 560 058
District: Bengaluru (Karnataka)
Contact Institute
Established      :    1994
Affiliated to     :    Bangalore University
Approved By    :    -

Courses Offered by AIMS Institute of Higher Education

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AIMS established in the year 1994 by a group of eminent educationists and philanthropists to impart quality education and with a vision to expand the horizons of teaching-learning realms, where in, the students' intrapersonal and interpersonal disposition is groomed. It is a great pleasure to state that the AIMS fraternity is enduringly infusing resilient confidence among the students to excel in their academic, professional endeavours and personal lives. AIMS started with 2 UG programs and 60 students and is now offering 6 PG & 4 UG programs having around 2000 students at the campus.

+91 80-2837 6430 / 2839 0433 / 4117 9588 / 4125 3496 / 2839 0434
+91 80-28378268
View All Courses Conducted by AIMS Institute of Higher Education
 Course(s) Offered by AIMS Institute of Higher Education  in Arts and Crafts
Bachelor of Performing Arts (BPA)
1 .
Pass in PUC or any other equivalent examination. Students with good communication skills are preferred.
3 Years
Approved By/ Affiliated To
Bangalore University