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St. Joseph's College of Engineering and Technology (SJCET)

Choondacherry.P.O , Palai - 686579
District: Kottayam (Kerala)
Contact Institute
Established      :    2002
Affiliated to     :    Mahatma Gandhi University
Approved By    :    AICTE

Courses Offered by St. Joseph's College of Engineering and Technology (SJCET)


Placement Records

St. Joseph's College of Engineering and Technology (SJCET) was established in 2002 by the Catholic Diocese of Palai. Discipline, hard work, positive thinking,commitment to excellence and abiding faith in the Almighty are the guiding principles that propel the college to its vision of emerging as a Center of Excellence in technical education in the country.Situated in a serene and picturesque location at the foothills of the High Range Mountains, the campus provides an environment conducive to learning and achieving the academic and professional aspirations of the students.

04822-239700, 239301, 239302
View All Courses Conducted by St. Joseph's College of Engineering and Technology (SJCET)
 Course(s) Offered by St. Joseph's College of Engineering and Technology (SJCET)  in Electronics Engineering
B.Tech. Applied Electronics and Instrumentation | B.Tech. Electronics and Communication Engineering | M.Tech. Power Electronics | M.Tech. VLSI Design and Embedded Systems
1 .
10+2 or equivalent with a minimum of 50 % marks for Mathematics and for Physics and Chemistry put together. However, those getting above 70% are preferred. 
4 years
Admission Procedure
Admission is purely on merit basis; Equal weightage will be given to CET marks and 12th Std marks
No. of Seats
Intake : 60;
Other Details
Admission is open to all students irrespective of caste, religion, place of residence etc

2 .
10+2 or equivalent with a minimum of 50 % marks for Mathematics and for Physics and Chemistry put together. However, those getting above 70% are preferred. 
4 years
Admission Procedure
Admission is purely on merit basis; Equal weightage will be given to CET marks and 12th Std marks
No. of Seats
Intake : 120;
Other Details
Admission is open to all students irrespective of caste, religion, place of residence etc

3 .
The candidates should have studied the Graduate course in an institution approved by the AICTE/Deemed Universities. Candidates should have a minimum of 60% aggregate marks in the Engineering Degree examination. For SC/ST candidates a pass in the Engineering Degree course is sufficient. For SEBC students, a minimum of 54% aggregate marks in the Engineering Degree examination is mandatory. Candidates, who have passed AMIE / AMIETE Examinations and satisfying the following conditions, are eligible for admission. (1) They must have valid GATE score. (2) A minimum of 55% marks for section B in AMIE/AMIETE examination. (3) Minimum three years of Professional experience in the field of Specialization after acquiring the qualifying degree. Candidates who have appeared for the final semester examination can also apply, provided he/she has passed all the subjects up to and including the 6th semester exam (8th semester for B.Arch students). Selection of such candidates shall be subject to the production of qualifying degree -satisfying conditions specified above as applicable on or before September 30, 2017. Admission shall normally be restricted to those with valid GATE score. However, this stipulation is relaxed in the case of Sponsored candidates. In case seats remain vacant due to lack of candidates with valid GATE score, candidates from Kerala State without valid GATE score will be considered against such vacancies. If seats are still remaining vacant, candidates from other states will be considered for admission
2 Years
Approved By/ Affiliated To
APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University
4 .
The candidates should have studied the Graduate course in an institution approved by the AICTE/Deemed Universities. Candidates should have a minimum of 60% aggregate marks in the Engineering Degree examination. For SC/ST candidates a pass in the Engineering Degree course is sufficient. For SEBC students, a minimum of 54% aggregate marks in the Engineering Degree examination is mandatory. Candidates, who have passed AMIE / AMIETE Examinations and satisfying the following conditions, are eligible for admission. (1) They must have valid GATE score. (2) A minimum of 55% marks for section B in AMIE/AMIETE examination. (3) Minimum three years of Professional experience in the field of Specialization after acquiring the qualifying degree. Candidates who have appeared for the final semester examination can also apply, provided he/she has passed all the subjects up to and including the 6th semester exam (8th semester for B.Arch students). Selection of such candidates shall be subject to the production of qualifying degree -satisfying conditions specified above as applicable on or before September 30, 2017. Admission shall normally be restricted to those with valid GATE score. However, this stipulation is relaxed in the case of Sponsored candidates. In case seats remain vacant due to lack of candidates with valid GATE score, candidates from Kerala State without valid GATE score will be considered against such vacancies. If seats are still remaining vacant, candidates from other states will be considered for admission
2 Years
Approved By/ Affiliated To
APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University