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Sakthi Institute of Fashion Technology Polytechnic College

S.F No 250/ 251, S. Periapalayam , Tirupur - 641607
District: Tirupur (Tamil Nadu)
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Courses Offered by Sakthi Institute of Fashion Technology Polytechnic College

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Placement Records

Sakthi Institute of Fashion Technology Polytechnic college is co-educational education college, founded by sakthi medical trust, a chartable and educational trust registered under trust act.
Approved by Govt. of Tamil Nadu (DTE) & AICTE, New Delhi
Facilities : The fully-infra-structured building and its surroundings are unique for the institute. The area of the buildings around 30,000 sq.ft with a separate administrative block. There are several class rooms, computer lab desiging lab and Practice lab. Activity Centre and a play ground is situated for extra-curricular activities. The Fashion technology laboratory is fully enriched with modern gedgets including an overhead profector, slide profector, television and DVD player,video camera etc. The activity Centre has music instruments, arts and crafts tools for model making and sports centre for sports and game activities. All the laboratories including computer and physical sciences are well-equipped.

0421-2374511, 2374519
9842273093, 9443095555, 9442647555
View All Courses Conducted by Sakthi Institute of Fashion Technology Polytechnic College
 Course(s) Offered by Sakthi Institute of Fashion Technology Polytechnic College  in Fashion Designing/ Technology
Diploma in Fashion Technology
1 .
10th/ 12th Pass
3 years
Admission Procedure
Direct Admission