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Madhusudan Hore Mahavidyalaya

Nishiganj , Cooch - 736157
District: Cooch Behar (West Bengal)
Contact Institute
Established      :    2011
Affiliated to     :    Cooch Behar Panchanan Barma University
Approved By    :    -

Courses Offered by Madhusudan Hore Mahavidyalaya

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Madhusudan Hore Mahavidyalaya is a post-higher secondary educational institution dedicated to the promotion of higher education for the student of rural area in Cooch Behar District, West Bengal. The college is situated about 2 kilometers away on the North-West of Nishiganj. The college was established in 2011 to promote education and awarness among the student in general and backward and schedule castes and tribes in particular.

View All Courses Conducted by Madhusudan Hore Mahavidyalaya
 Course(s) Offered by Madhusudan Hore Mahavidyalaya  in Philosophy
B.A. Philosophy | B.A. Philosophy (Hons)
1 .
Pass in Higher Secondary (10+2) West Bengal Council Of Higher Secondary Education (W.B.CH.S.E) or Pass in (10+2) pattern after a period of 12 years study or pass in an Examination recognized as equivalent by the appropriate authority provided he/she passed at least in five subjects with English as a compulsory subject.
3 Years
Approved By/ Affiliated To
Cooch Behar Panchanan Barma University
2 .
Pass in Higher Secondary (10+2) West Bengal Council Of Higher Secondary Education (W.B.CH.S.E) or Pass in (10+2) pattern after a period of 12 years study or pass in an Examination recognized as equivalent by the appropriate authority provided he/she passed at least in five subjects with English as a compulsory subject.
3 Years
Approved By/ Affiliated To
Cooch Behar Panchanan Barma University