LISAA School of Design is a premier Design school in France. It is well known all over the world that the French are recognized for their knowledge of aesthetics and their highly evolved sense of design and culture which make them leaders in the field of Design, Architecture, Graphics and Fashion. The aim of LISAA School of Design is to nurture their students to become not only technically professional but also be sensitive to the aesthetics, culture and spiritual ethos of the society for whom they design.
Lab, Library
Hostel Facility
Hostel Facilities available
Scholarship Facility
Scholarships are available under two categories-Merit based(Performance in Class XII/LISAACAT Exam/NIFT/NID scores)andNeed based(Dependent on annual family income being less than 5Lacs), Tho scholarship value Is up-to Rs, 25ooo/for the first year and is extended to the following years based on annual performance of the student. A 5% discount on tuition fee is available for one-time payment in full.
LISAA Partners- Eurodisney, Alstom, Habitat, Ikea, BNP Paribas, Louis Vuitton Moet Hannessy (LVMH), Hermes Paris, Prada, Kenzo, Alcatel, Saatchi Saatchi, Givenchy, Christian Dior and Minc to name a few.