Sri Akilandeswari Women's College is a Self-financing institution established on 21-07-1995 (G.O.Ms.No.586) and is affiliated to the Thiruvalluvar University
Institute has High quality Library facilities. It houses 9,300 books, that covering all disciplines of Life Science, Computer science, Maths and Management. The collection in the Library comprises printed documents such as books, Journals, Magazines, seminar and conference proceedings, reports, thesis, and journal back volumes. The library provides UGC-INFLIBNET consortium like N-List e-journals and e-books, faculty, students, staff and researchers are used. N-List Programme provides access to more than 6000 +e-journals (with back files for 10 years and 97,000 +e books .
The library provides various services for its members such as lending of books and journals, back volumes and internet sevices. All the library activities are computerized.
Hostel Facility
Sri Akilandeswari women’s college hostel is functioning within the college campus
Scholarship Facility
Scholarships provided by the State Government is recommended for eligible candidates.
Job facilities provided by means of Campus Interview through Placement Cell.